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The activities of the Polish Metrological Union are financed from the funds of the Ministry of Education and Science as part of a targeted subsidy for the implementation of the task titled ”Establishment and Coordination of the activities of the Polish Metrological Union (PMU)” under contract no. MEiN/2021/DPI/179.
This paper presents the results of a study of adhesive joints, focused on the heterogeneity
of the properties of the adhesive material in the adhesive joint. The main objective of the study
was to determine potential differences in the material properties of adhesive joints made with
selected structural adhesives. Due to the impact of the joined material on the adhesive during the
curing of the joint as well as the impact of phenomena occurring during the curing of the adhesive,
the properties of the adhesive joint may vary along the thickness of the joint. Determining the
differences in material properties over the thickness of the adhesive bond is important for more
accurate prediction of adhesive bond strength in FEM simulations. In order to observe changes in
the material properties of bonds, nanoindentation tests have been carried out on eight adhesive
joint bonds made with common structural adhesives used to join sheets of aluminium alloy or
corrosion-resistant steel. Basing on the achieved test results, load/unload curves were developed
for imprints at characteristic spots of the joints. Distinct differences in the achieved average force
value were observed for imprints located in the wall-adjacent zone and in the centre of the adhesive
joint; this can be interpreted as areas of the joint with different material structures of higher or lower
density of imperfections or porosities. Differences in the load/unload curves for ‘rigid’ and ‘flexible’
adhesives were analysed. The summary includes a conclusion that an adhesive joint is characterised
by heterogeneous properties along its thickness.