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The research was financed in the framework of the project: Development of new rolling technologies for rail axle forgings, No. LIDER/9/0060/L-12/20/NCBR/2021. Total cost of the Project: 1 466 831.25 PLN. The project is financed by the National Centre for Research and Development under the 12th edition of the LIDER Programme.
This article presents a study to estimate the possibility of determining the shapeand size of a Mannesmann effect crack using the finite element method. Exper-imental tests were carried out to obtain reference specimens with a crack. Arotational compression test of cylindrical specimens in a channel was used fortheexperimentalstudies.Finiteelementtestswerecarriedoutusingnineductilefracture criteria. In the first stage of the study, using the rotational compressiontest and the finite element method, the limit values of the fracture criteria weredetermined.Inthesecondstage,thedevelopmentofaMannesmanneffectcrackwas simulated using the limit values of the fracture criteria using the finite ele-ment method. Based on the analysis, it was found that the greatest agreement interms of void shape and size obtained in finite element method and experimentwas obtained for the Ayada criterion. Analysis of the progression of the shape ofthe void formed using the Ayada criterion showed that crack initiation occursas a result of maximum principal stress. The development of the resulting voidis the result of the action of the maximum shear stress as well as the maximumprincipal stress.