Purpose: Both photovoltaics and home automation solutions are growing in popularity year on year. A modern smart home solution combined with photovoltaics is not only environmentally friendly, but also economical. Home automation allows maximum savings and the most efficient use of photovoltaics. It guarantees convenience and comfort in everyday use. It also fits in with the now popular ‘less waste’ or ‘zero waste’ trend, which strives for the efficient use of raw materials. Design/Methodology/Approach: The concept of home automation has gained considerable traction in recent times, with a plethora of solutions offered by various companies. Findings: However, the cost associated with these solutions is often a deterrent. The devices and solutions proposed by companies for home automation systems are typically based on IEEE 802.11g WiFi communication, which is dependent on the strength of the wireless signal and is characterised by high latency. Conversely, utilising communication based on the I2C protocol to control home appliances has the potential to significantly reduce the cost of building the system. Practical implications: As a result of conducting the research, it is possible to identify and present some recommendation for reduces the cost of building the system home automatisation. Originality value: For the purposes of this article, a multifaceted, synthetic and critical analysis of data available in the source literature was carried out.