Eco-energy anthropopressure specifically affects the agricultural landscape, but is essential for society to survive and grow. While developing new dependencies and demonstrating large transgressions against the present state, eco-energy investments affect redefinition of the identity of place, society and landscape. This paper discusses management of eco-energy anthropopressure with regard to the sustainable development of society and the economy. Projects of infrastructure modernisation related to construction of renewable energy sources should consider an assessment of anthropopressure trends, which facilitate definition of priorities in measures exemplified by subsequent investments, considering their economic, environmental and social aspects. The criteria of eco-energy anthropopressure constitute the bases of analyses and guidelines when planning new undertakings. The positive trend of anthropopressure is a condition verifying the correctness of eco-energy engineering development. Application of enzymatic indicators enabling quantification of anthropogenic transformations, along with the ecological results of protective measures related to the generation of renewable energy allow for the long-term monitoring and identification of trends.