One of the main threats to the sustainability of municipal landfills and quality of water-soil environment is posed by the leachate percolation through the bottom sealing liner. The compacted mineral liners, utilizing clay substrates of various plasticity, formed according to Decree of Minister of Environment of 3rd April 2013 and Council Directive 1999/31/EC of 26th April 1999 to obtain the saturated hydraulic conductivity lower than 1·10-9 m·s-1, are one of the most popular manners of landfill isolation. However, the clayey substrates of high plasticity are the materials presenting a very high expansivity, prone to swelling, shrinkage and cracking. Swelling and shrinkage of compacted clay liners, resulting from the cyclic drying and watering of clay substrate, are irreversible and after several cycles may result in the destruction of the spatial structure of compacted particles of soil, significantly increasing its hydraulic conductivity and drastically decreasing sealing capabilities of compacted clay liners. This paper presents the attempt of determination the influence of the selected substrates’ plasticity for compacted clay liner of municipal landfill undergoing cyclic drying and rewetting on the isolating capabilities of the municipal landfill’s bottom liner. Our studies are based on the results obtained during the in situ and laboratory measurements. The plasticity of tested clay materials was determined by the standard methods and classified according to Unified Soil Classification System, ASTM D2487–11. Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of the studied substrates under their natural conditions was measured in situ by the field falling head permeameter BAT, GeoNordic, while Ks of tested clay materials compacted by the standard Proctor, according to PN-B-04481:1988 and ASTM D698–12e2 was measured by the laboratory H-4145 falling head permeameters for compacted soils by Humboldt Mfg. Co. meeting the requirements of ASTM D5856–95. Measurements of saturated hydraulic conductivity of the tested substrates after three cycles of drying and rewetting were performed in the standard 100 cm3 steel cylinders by the falling and constant head laboratory permeameter by former IMUZ, Lublin, Poland. Determination of water seepage through the tested bottom compacted clay liners was based on the standard form of Darcy law for the saturated conditions. The obtained results showed influence of plasticity of clays on decrease in their sealing capabilities after several cycles of drying and rewetting and, by extension, undesirable increase in the seepage volume through the compacted bottom liner.