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In this paper, we investigate the multiple solutions of nonlinear asymmetric potential bistable
energy harvesters (BEHs) under harmonic excitations. Basins of attraction under certain excitations explainthe existence of multiple solutions in the asymmetric potential BEHs and indicate that the asymmetricsystem has a higher probability to oscillate in the deeper potential well under low and moderate excitationlevels. Thus, the appearance of asymmetric potentials in BEHs has a negative in
uence on the outputperformance. Average output powers under dierent excitation frequencies and initial conditions illustratethat the asymmetric potential BEHs are more likely to achieve high-energy branch (HEB) with initialconditions in the shallower potential well, and the probability is in
uenced by the degree of asymmetry ofthe BEHs. Finally, experiments are carried out, and results under constant and sweep frequency excitations demonstrate that the output performance will be actually improved for the asymmetric potential BEHs ifthe initial oscillations are from the shallower potential well.