China Agricultural University, Beijing
1. Estimation of phosphorus recovery by struvite crystallization from animal manure wastewater in China / Ci Fang, Tao Zhang, Aneta Czechowska-Kosacka, Artur Pawłowski, Grzegorz Łagód, Rongfeng Jiang, Qiming Wang // Environment Protection Engineering.- 2015, vol. 41, nr 4, s. 195-207 [MNiSW: 15]
2. Integrating role of sustainable development paradigm in shaping the human-landscape relation / Elżbieta Jolanta Bielińska, Barbara Futa, Stanisław Baran, Grażyna Żukowska, Małgorzata Pawłowska, Wojciech Cel, Tao Zhang // Problemy Ekorozwoju - Problems of Sustainable Development.- 2015, vol. 10, nr 2, s. 159-168 [MNiSW: 15]
3. Sustainable Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases Emissions / Wojciech Cel, Aneta Czechowska-Kosacka, Tao Zhang // Problemy Ekorozwoju - Problems of Sustainable Development.- 2016, vol. 11, nr 1, s. 173-176 [MNiSW: 15]
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