Czech University of Life Science, Prague, Czech Republic
1. Influence of drying process of liquid contaminants on adhesive bond strength / Miroslav Müller, Petr Henc, Anna Rudawska // Manufacturing Technology.- 2015, vol. 15, nr 1, s. 70-74
2. Mechanical properties of adhesive bonds reinforced with biological fabric / Miroslav Müller, Petr Valášek, Anna Rudawska // Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology.- 2017, vol. 31, nr 17, s. 1859-1871 [MNiSW: 25]
3. The effect of degreasing on adhesive joint strength / Anna Rudawska, Justyna Nalepa, Miroslav Müller // Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal.- 2017, vol. 11, nr 1, s. 75-81 [MNiSW: 10]
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