Katedra Matematyki
Fragmenty książek
1. A few remarks about point processes on the line / Ernest Nieznaj. [W]: Probability in action. Vol. 3.- 2017, s. 21-38 [MNiSW: 20]
2. A note on mixed moments of random variables governed by Poisson random measure / Ernest Nieznaj. [W]: Probability in action.- 2014, s. 111-120
3. A practical approach to point processes / Ernest Nieznaj. [W]: Probability in action. Vol. 4.- 2019, s. 37-60 [MNiSW: 20]
4. Asymptotic behaviour of diffusions on graphs / Adam Gregosiewicz. [W]: Probability in action.- 2014, s. 83-96
5. Characterization of certain distributions by transformed kth record values / Iwona Malinowska. [W]: Probability in action. Vol. 2.- 2015, s. 75-89
6. Comparative study of different ARIMA models for forecasting monthly meteorological data / Iwona Malinowska, Małgorzata Murat. [W]: Probability in action. Vol. 3.- 2017, s. 93-108 [MNiSW: 20]
7. Entropy, Markov chains and Markov operators / Ernest Nieznaj. [W]: Probability in action. Vol. 4.- 2019, s. 109-123 [MNiSW: 20]
8. Examples in stochastic differential equations / Ernest Nieznaj. [W]: Probability in action. Vol. 2.- 2015, s. 107-121
9. Families of operators describing diffusion through permeable membranes / Adam Bobrowski. [W]: Operator semigroups meet complex analysis, harmonic analysis and mathematical physics.- 2015, s. 87-105
10. Forecasting Electrical Energy Consumption for Malfunction Detection in Complex Technical Systems / Anna Tatarczak, Łukasz Wiechetek, Adam Kiersztyn, Marek Mędrek, Jarosław Banaś. [W]: 9th International Conference on Optimization and Applications - OPTIMA 2018.- 2018, s. 227-239
11. From convergence of operator semigroups to gene expression, and back again / Adam Bobrowski. [W]: Stochastic models in biological sciences.- 2008, s. 83-99
12. Incomplete moments of non-zero inflated modified power series distribution / Małgorzata Murat. [W]: Probability in action.- 2014, s. 97-110
13. Lord Kelvin's method of images approach to the Rotenberg model / Adam Gregosiewicz. [W]: Probability in action. Vol. 2.- 2015, s. 22-33
14. Lower and upper partial moments of deformed modifiedpower series distributions / Małgorzata Murat. [W]: Probability in action. Vol. 4.- 2019, s. 79-95 [MNiSW: 20]
15. Multi-Criteria Decision-Making System for Detecting Anomalies in the Electrical Energy Consumption of Telecommunication Facilities / Łukasz Wiechetek, Jarosław Banaś, Adam Kiersztyn, Marek Mędrek, Anna Tatarczak. [W]: 9th International Conference on Optimization and Applications - OPTIMA 2018.- 2018, s. 249-262
16. Praca w grupach w zdalnym nauczaniu matematyki / Małgorzata Murat. [W]: Zdalne nauczanie przedmiotów ścisłych w praktyce.- 2021, s. 31-44 [MNiSW: 20]
17. Singular limit of diffusion equations in 3D domains with thickness converging to zero / Adam Bobrowski, Tomasz Lipniacki. [W]: Models and reality : festschrift for James Robert Thompson.- 2017, s. 95-116 [MNiSW: 5]
18. The Schreier-Sims algorithm and random p ermutations / Ernest Nieznaj. [W]: Probability in action. Vol. 2.- 2015, s. 91-105
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