Department of Airframe and Engine, Polish Air Force Academy, Dęblin
Fragmenty książek z 2023 (1)
Fragmenty książek z 2021 (2)
1. Analysis of the Possibilities of Forecasting Selected Properties of Aviation Polymer Composites / Kosicka Ewelina, Krzyżak Aneta, Szczepaniak Robert. [W]: ICCS24 - 24th International Conference on Composite Structures : book of abstracts.- 2021, s. 149-149
2. Research on the mechanical properties of a composite based on a polymer matrix with the addition of aerogel particles / Szczepaniak Robert, Komorek Andrzej, Przybyłek Paweł, Krzyżak Aneta, Roskowicz Marek, Godzimirski Jan, Pinkiewicz Ernest, Jaszczak Wiktor, Kosicka Ewelina. [W]: ICCS24 - 24th International Conference on Composite Structures : book of abstracts.- 2021, s. 47-47
Fragmenty książek z 2020 (1)
1. An assessment of the influence of grain and mass share of Al2O3 in epoxy resin upon the abrasive wear of composites to be used in friction pairs / Aneta Krzyżak, Ewelina Kosicka, Robert Szczepaniak. [W]: JOINT EVENT ICCS23 - 23rd International Conference on CompositeStructures & MECHCOMP6 - 6th International Conferenceon Mechanics of Composites : book of abstracts.- 2020, s. 175-175
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