University of Zilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Univerzitná
Artykuły z 2019 (1)
1. The Implementations of Suitable Cutting Parameters by Grinding of Titanium VT9 with Impact on Surface Integrity / Dana Stančeková, Anna Rudawska, Miroslav Neslušan, Jozef Mrázik, Miroslav Janota // Manufacturing Technology.- 2019, vol. 19, nr 5, s. 855-859 [MNiSW: 70]
Artykuły z 2016 (1)
1. Modeling of flow and temperature field in an economizer / František Brumerčík, Dusan Sojcak, Michal Lukac, Aleksander Nieoczym // Applied Computer Science.- 2016, vol. 12, nr 2, s. 63-73 [MNiSW: 11]
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