National Water Supplies and Drainage BoardKandy Sri Lanka
Artykuły z 2016 (1)
1. A novel radiation-induced grafting methodology to synthesize stable zerovalent iron nanoparticles at ambient atmospheric conditions / Sanduni Ratnayake, Dieter Schild, Edward Mączka, Elżbieta Jartych, Johannes Luetzenkirchen, Marek Kosmulski, Madhubhashini Makehelwala, Sujithra K. Weragoda, Atula Bandara, Ranjith Wijayawardana, Rohana Chandrajith, Srimathie P. Indrarathne, Rohan Weerasooriya // Colloid and Polymer Science.- 2016, vol. 294, nr 10, s. 1557-1569 [MNiSW: 25]
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