University of Warsaw, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Książki z 2020 (1)
1. Semigroups of Operators – Theory and Applications / eds.: Jacek Banasiak, Adam Bobrowski, Mirosław Lachowicz, Yuri Tomilov.- Cham : Springer, 2020.- 446 s.- ISBN 978-3-030-46078-5, .- ISBN 978-3-030-46079-2 [MNiSW: 20]
Książki z 2015 (2)
1. Semigroups of operators - theory and applications : Będlewo, Poland, October 2013 / eds.: Jacek Banasiak, Adam Bobrowski, Mirosław Lachowicz.- Cham : Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2015.- 337 s.- ISBN 978-3-319-12144-4
2. Semigroups of Operators -Theory and Applications / eds.: Jacek Banasiak, Adam Bobrowski, Mirosław Lachowicz.- London : Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2015.- 338 s.- ISBN 978-3-319-12144-4
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