Uniwersytet Warmińsko -Mazurski w Olsztynie
Fragmenty książek z 2016 (5)
1. Biofuels and sustainable development / Ewa Klimiuk, Artur Pawłowski. [W]: Biomass for biofuels.- 2016, s. 3-14
2. Biomass feedstock for biofuels production / Katarzyna Bułkowska, Artur Pawłowski. [W]: Biomass for biofuels.- 2016, s. 37-61
3. Biomass for fuels - classification and composition / Zygmunt Mariusz Gusiatin, Artur Pawłowski. [W]: Biomass for biofuels.- 2016, s. 15-36
4. Conversion of lignocellulosic biomass into sugars: the effect of the structure of lignocellulose / Katarzyna Bułkowska, Ewa Klimiuk, Tomasz Pokój , Artur Pawłowski. [W]: Biomass for biofuels.- 2016, s. 95-119
5. Outlook for advanced biofuels / Katarzyna Bułkowska, Ewa Klimiuk, Artur Pawłowski. [W]: Biomass for biofuels.- 2016, s. 63-94
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