Department of Physics Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece
Książki z 2015 (1)
1. 2nd International Multidisciplinary Microscopy and Microanalysis Congress [WOS] / Efstathios K. Polychroniadis, Ahmet Yavuz Oral, Mehmet Ozer.- Cham : Springer, 2015.- 262 s.- ISBN 978-331916918-7
Książki z 2014 (1)
1. 1st International Multidisciplinary Microscopy Congress (INTERM) [WOS] / Ahmet Yavuz Oral, Mehmet Ozer, Efstathios K. Polychroniadis.- Heidelberg : Springer, 2014.- 281 s.- ISBN 978-3-319-04638-9
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