Minist Energy Republ Kazakhstan, Inst Nucl Phys, Alma Ata, Kazakhstan
Artykuły z 2018 (2)
1. Effect of the energy of krypton ions on the structure and hardening of Ti-Cr-N coatings / D.A. Satpaev, V. P. Poltavtseva, Janusz Partyka, S. B. Kislitsin // Russian Physics Journal.- 2018, vol. 61, nr 7, s. 1363-1365 [MNiSW: 15]
2. Vlianie flûensa oblučeniâ vysokoènergetyičeskimi ionami kriptona na upročnenie splava Ni-Ti / Dosym A. Satpaev, Valentina P. Poltavčeva, Janusz Partyka // Viestnik Nâc Rk Periodičeskij Naučno-Tehničeskij Žurnal Nacional’Nogo Âdernogo Centra Respubliki Kazahstan = Nnc Rk Bulletin Research and Technology Review National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan.- 2018, nr 1, s. 40-43 [MNiSW: 1]
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