University of Žylina
Inne materiały z 2021 (1)
1. The roadside technical inspections of road transport in Slovak Republic / Juraj Hudec, Branislav Šarkan, Renáta Czödörová, Jacek Caban, Paweł Droździel. [W]: Transport Problems 2021 : proceedings XIII International Scientific Conference ; X International Symposium of Young Researchers, Katowice-online, 28 czerwca 2021 - 30 lipca 2021
Inne materiały z 2018 (1)
1. Research of insulating oil percolation in electrical pressboard / Przemysław Rogalski, Czesław Kozak, Marek Opielak, Milan Šebok. [W]: 2018 IEEE 8th International Conference on Nanomaterials : Application & Properties (NAP - 2018) : program, Odessa Oblast, 9 września 2018 - 14 września 2018
Inne materiały z 2017 (1)
1. Modern methods of simulation welding for diagnosing fatigue lifespan / Dalibor Barta, Miroslav Blatnický, Ján Dižo, Paweł Droździel. [W]: 16th International Technical Systems Degradation Conference, Liptovsý Mikuláš, 19 kwietnia 2017 - 22 kwietnia 2017
Inne materiały z 2014 (1)
1. Systemy monitorujące ciśnienie w oponach pojazdów / Jacek Caban, Paweł Droździel, Stefan Liśćak, Dalibor Barta. [W]: IX International Science-Technical Conference Automotive Safety 2014, Problemy bezpieczeństwa w pojazdach samochodowych, Rajecke Teplice, 8-10 April 2014, Rajecke Teplice
Inne materiały z 2013 (4)
1. Effect of asymetry on reliability of a distribution transformer in star-delta configuration / Paweł Żukowski, Daniel Korenčiak, Matej Kučera, Milan Šebok. [W]: International Conference Diagnostika ’ 13 Conference on Diagnostics in Electrical Engineering CDEE 2013, Parkhotel Pilsen, 2 września 2013 - 4 września 2013
2. Research on the brake fluid testers / Jacek Caban, Paweł Droździel, Ján Vrábel, Lukáš Holeša, Branislav Šarkan. [W]: 10th European Conference of Young Research and Scientific Workers,TRANSCOM 2013, 24-26 June 2013, Žilina, Slovak Republic, Žilina
3. The forecasting of passengers public transport demand / Lukáš Holeša, Stefan Liśćak, Jacek Caban. [W]: 10th European Conference of Young Research and Scientific Workers,TRANSCOM 2013, 24-26 June 2013, Žilina, Slovak Republic, Žilina
4. The methods of the determination of glycol-based brake fluids / Jacek Caban, Lukáš Holeša. [W]: Progressive Directions for Mechanical Engineering, Device Building Transportation Industries and Ecology : Materials of the Scientific International Technical Conference of Students, Postgraduate and Young Scientists, 20-23 of May 2013, Sevastopol, Sevastopol
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