Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula, Warszawa
Fragmenty książek z 2025 (2)
1. Intellectual capital : measuring social capital in manufacturing companies / Elżbieta Jędrych, Dariusz Klimek, Jacek Witkowski. [W]: Organizational development, innovation, and economy 5.0 : challenges in the digital era.- 2025, s. 50-63 [MNiSW: 75]
2. Personalistic ethics - an axiological dimension of Management 5.0 / Krzysztof Nowakowski, Łukasz Skowron, Ewa Mazur Wierzbicka. [W]: Organizational development, innovation, and economy 5.0 : challenges in the digital era.- 2025, s. 138-149 [MNiSW: 75]
Fragmenty książek z 2024 (1)
Fragmenty książek z 2022 (1)
1. Inter-Organization Relationships on Virtual Level in Terms of Employee Agility as Determinant of Industry 4.0 Era / Damian Kocot, Piotr Wiench, Magdalena Maciaszczyk. [W]: Self-Management, Entrepreneurial Culture, and Economy 4.0 : a Contemporary Approach to Organizational Theory Development.- 2022, s. 102-117 [MNiSW: 75]
Fragmenty książek z 2021 (1)
1. Implementation and Use of Green Computing in Polish Companies Vs. Implementation of Features Characteristic of Teal Organizations / Agnieszka Rzepka, Maria Kocot, Elżbieta Jędrych. [W]: Green Engineering and Technology : Innovations, Design, and Architectural Implementation.- 2021, s. 343-356 [MNiSW: 75]
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