School of Mechanical, Electronic and Control Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University
Artykuły z 2010 (1)
1. Analysis of pressure fluctuations in a natural gas engine under lean burn conditions / A.K.Sen, G.Litak, B.-F. Yao, G.-X.Li // Applied Thermal Engineering.- 2010, vol. 30, nr 6-7, s. 776-779
Artykuły z 2009 (2)
1. Indicated Mean Effective Pressure Oscillations in a Natural Gas Combustion Engine / Grzegorz Litak, Michał Gęca, Bao-Feng Yao,Guo-Xiu Li // Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A - a Journal of Physical Sciences.- 2009, vol. 64, nr 5-6, s. 393-398
2. Indicated mean effective pressure oscillations in a natural gas combustion engine by recurrence plots / Grzegorz Litak, Arkadiusz Syta, Bao-Feng Yao, Guo-Xiu Li // Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.- 2009, vol. 47, nr 1, s. 55-67
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