Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Béthune, France
Artykuły z 2007 (3)
1. Adaptive airflow control of the PEM fuel cell system / Mirosław Wendeker, Arkadiusz Małek, Jacek Czarnigowski, Rodolfo Taccani, Pierre Boulet, Florin Breaban // SAE Technical Papers.- 2007, nr 01-2012, s. 565-570
2. Idle Speed Stabilization by Neural Network Model-Based Control of Ignition in SI Engine / Jacek Czarnigowski, Mirosław Wendeker, Piotr Jakliński, Pierre Boulet, Florin Breaban // SAE Technical Papers.- 2007, nr 01-2080, s. 675-681
3. Operational parameters of LPG-fueled sI engine-comparison of simultaneous and sequential port injection / Mirosław Wendeker, Piotr Jakliński, Jacek Czarnigowski, Pierre Boulet, Florin Breaban // SAE Technical Papers.- 2007, nr 01-2051, s. 1321-1328
Artykuły z 2006 (1)
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