Swansea Univ, Sch Engn, Swansea, W Glam, Wales
Fragmenty książek
1. Energy harvesting by two magnetopiezoelastic oscillators / Grzegorz Litak, Michael I. Friswell, C. A. Kitio Kwuimy, Adhikari Sondipon, Marek Borowiec. [W]: Dynamical systems : analytical / numerical methods, stability, bifurcation and chaos.- 2011, s. 173-178
2. Multiple solutions and cirresponding power output of nonlinear piezoelectric energy harvester / Arkadiusz Syta, Grzegorz Litak, Michael I. Friswell, Marek Borowiec. [W]: Dynamical systems : theoretical and experimental analysis.- 2016, s. 343-350
3. Multiple solutions and corresponding power output of nonlinear piezoelectric energy harvester / Arkadiusz Syta, Grzegorz Litak, Michael I. Friswell, Marek Borowiec. [W]: 13th International Conference Dynamical Systems - Theory and Applications, December 7-10, 2015. Lodz, Poland : abstracts.- 2015, s. 274-274
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