prof. dr hab. Artur Adam Pawłowski
inżynieria środowiska, górnictwo i energetyka
Inne materiały z 2023 (1)
1. Hydrogen as an Energetic Alternative / Artur Pawłowski, Agnieszka Żelazna, Jarosław Żak. [W]: Scholarly Community Encyclopedia,
Inne materiały z 2013 (1)
1. Carbon footprint of solar systems working in polish climate conditions. / Agnieszka Żelazna, Artur Pawłowski, Agata Zdyb. [W]: QUAERE 2013, vol. III, 20-24 kvĕtna 2013, Hradec Králové, Česká republika.,
Inne materiały z 2012 (1)
1. The environmental effects of solar system usage in detached house / Agnieszka Żelazna, Artur Pawłowski. [W]: 1st International Conference on Building Sustainability Assessment, 23rd to 25th of May 2012, Porto,
Inne materiały z 2011 (2)
1. Anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge: sludge concentration influencing energy efficiency / Yucheng Cao, Artur Pawłowski, Jin Zhang, Shengdao Shan. [W]: International Conference on Environmental System Science and Engineering (ICESSE 2011), 6-7 August 2011, Dalian, China, Dalian
2. The environmental analysis of insulation materials in the context of sustainable buildings / Agnieszka Żelazna, Artur Pawłowski. [W]: 8th International Conference Environmental Engineering, May 19–20, 2011, Vilnius, Lithuania, Vilnius
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