Fragmenty książek
1. Mueller matrix and laser induced imaging of the myocardium histological sections in the diagnosis of long-term consequences of COVID19 / Olexander Ushenko, Natalia Pavlyukovich, Oksana Khukhlina, Yuriy Ushenko, Alexander Dubolazov, Irina Soltys, Olexander Olar, Ivan Mikirin, Valeriy Skliarchuk, Olexander Salega, Olexander Pavlyukovich, Jun Zheng, Iryna Kobylianska, Saule Rakhmetulina, Paweł Komada. [W]: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High Energy Physics Experiments 2024.- 2024, s. 1-6 [MNiSW: 20]
2. Polarization-phase laser induced and holographic reconstruction of blood facies polycrystalline architectonics in the diagnosis of long-term consequences of COVID-19 / Olexander Ushenko, Natalia Pavlyukovich, Oksana Khukhlina, Yuriy Ushenko, Olexander Dubolazov, Irina Soltys, Olexander Olar, Ivan Mikirin, Valeriy Skliarchuk, Olexander Salega, Olexander Pavlyukovich, Jun Zheng, Mykola Tomchuk, Kunsulu Shadinova, Volodymyr Shakhov, Saule Smailova, Zbigniew Omiotek. [W]: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High Energy Physics Experiments 2024.- 2024, s. 1-6 [MNiSW: 20]
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