Inne materiały z 2012 (1)
1. The energy absorption in human body with metallic implant exposed to electromagnetic field-A symulation and experimental study / Andrzej Wac-Włodarczyk, Arkadiusz Miaskowski, Grażyna Olchowik, Andrzej Krawczyk. [W]: 4th Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics SAEM 12, Sopron, Hungary,3-6 June,2012,
Inne materiały z 2011 (1)
1. Low frequency FDTD algorithm and its application to inductive hyperthermia / Arkadiusz Miaskowski, Andrzej Wac-Włodarczyk, Grażyna Olchowik. [W]: 7th International Conference "Electromagnetic Devices And Processes In Environment Protection" Elmeco-7 Joint With 10th Seminar "Applications Od Superconductors" AoS-10, 28-30.09.2011, Nałęczów,
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