Fragmenty książek z 2021 (1)
1. Implementation of the plastication process in an innovative extrusion machine for the processing of
composite and nanocomposite materials. Concept and implementation of control system of the extruder. Pt 1, Motor / Karolina Głogowska, Emil Spišák, Marcin Buczaj. [W]: Technological and design aspects of the processing of composites and nanocomposites : monography. Vol. 4.- 2021, s. 7-34 [MNiSW: 5]
Fragmenty książek z 2020 (2)
1. Mixing Performance Analysis of Single Screw Extruder with Rotational Barrel Segment / Ivan Gajdoš, Janusz Sikora, Emil Spišák, Karolina Głogowska. [W]: Technological and design aspects of the processing of composites and nanocomposites : monography. Vol. 3.- 2020, s. 102-117 [MNiSW: 5]
2. Numerical Evaluation of Distributive Mixing Capability of Single Screw Extruder with Rotational Barrel Segment / Ivan Gajdoš, Emil Spišák, František Greškovič, Ludmila Dulebova, Janusz Sikora. [W]: PRO-TECH-MA 2020 : proceedings of the extended abstracts International Scientific Conference on Progressive Technologies and Materials.- 2020, s. 17-18
Fragmenty książek z 2019 (2)
1. Simulation analysis of single screw extruder in Ansys Polyflow / Ivan Gajdoš, Janusz Sikora, Emil Spišák, František Greškovič. [W]: Technological and design aspects of the processing of composites and nanocomposites : monography. Vol. 2.- 2019, s. 61-73 [MNiSW: 20]
2. Utilization of mesh superposition technique for simulation of single screw extruder / Gajdos Ivan, Emil Spisak, Janusz Sikora, Volodymyr Krasinskyi. [W]: PRO-TECH-MA 2019 : International Scientific Conference : conference proceedings.- 2019, s. 39-39
Fragmenty książek z 2018 (1)
1. Calculation of long fibers breaking and distribution in injection molded parts distribution in injection molded parts with cae analysis / Ivan Gajdoš, Emil Spišák, František Greškovič, Janusz Sikora. [W]: Technological and design aspects of the processing of composites and nanocomposites : monography. Vol. 1.- 2018, s. 118-128 [MNiSW: 5]
Fragmenty książek z 2017 (1)
1. Tolerances of injection molded parts and evaluation in caqc software / Ivan Gajdoš, Emil Spišák, František Greškovič, Tomasz Jachowicz. [W]: Technological and design aspects of extrusion and injection moulding of thermoplastic polymer composites and nanocomposites : monography. Vol. 5.- 2017, s. 7-18 [MNiSW: 5]
Fragmenty książek z 2015 (2)
1. Calibration device for the extrusion of cable coatings / Tomasz Garbacz, L'udmila Dulebová, Emil Spišák, Martina Martina Dulebová. [W]: PRO-TECH-MA 2015 and Surface Engineering 2015 International Scientific Conference, 7-9.10.2015, High Tatras, Slovakia : [book of abstracts].- 2015, s. 31-32
2. Structure and properties evaluation of samples produced by fused deposition modeling / Ivan Gajdoš, Jàn Slota, Emil Spišák, Tomasz Jachowicz. [W]: PRO-TECH-MA 2015 and Surface Engineering 2015 International Scientific Conference, 7-9.10.2015, High Tatras, Slovakia : [book of abstracts].- 2015, s. 30-30
Fragmenty książek z 2014 (2)
1. Heat-resistant coatings on the basis of phenol-formaldehyde compositions / Tomasz Garbacz, Ivan Gajdoš, Volodymyr Krasinskyi, Emil Spišák. [W]: Surface Engineering 2014 - International Scientific Conference, High Tatras 23 -24. 10. 2014 : [book of abstracts].- 2014, s. 39-39
2. Prediction and yerification of compatibility of MMT nanofiller in PA6 matrix / Branislav Duleba, Emil Spišák, Janusz Sikora, L'udmila Dulebová. [W]: Zbornik 9. Medzinárodnej Vedecko – Technickej Konferencie: Materiál v Inžinierskej Praxi2014, 12. -13. jún 2014, Herlany, Slovensko : [książka stresczeń].- 2014, s. 13-13
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