1. Calibrator device for the extrusion of cable coatings / Tomasz Garbacz, Ludmila Dulebova, Emil Spišák, Martina Dulebová // Open Engineering.- 2016, vol. 6, nr 1, s. 120-124 [MNiSW: 11]
2. Characterization of mechanical and thermal properties of PP/mineral composites / Ludmila Dulebova, Emil Spišák, Branislav Duleba, František Greškovič, Tomasz Garbacz // Advanced Materials Research.- 2014, vol. 1025-1026, s. 241-245 [MNiSW: 7]
3. Charakterystyka metod nieniszczących badania wytworów z tworzyw polimerowych / Tomasz Klepka, Ludmila Dulebova, Emil Spišák // Tworzywa Sztuczne w Przemyśle.- 2014, nr 5, s. 46-49
4. Grinding tools and grinding wheels for shaping CNC grinding machine / Jan Kral, Emil Spišák, Jan Kral jr., Jerzy Józwik // Postępy Nauki i Techniki.- 2012, nr 15, s. 221-227
5. Heat-resistant coatings on the basis of phenol-formaldehyde compositions / Volodymyr Krasinskyi, Emil Spišák, Ivan Gajdoš, Tomasz Garbacz // Materials Science Forum.- 2015, vol. 818, s. 105-108
6. Možnosti predikcie vlastností polymér/MMT nanokompozitov na základe matematických modelov / Branislav Duleba, Emil Spišák, Tomasz Jachowicz // Technológ.- 2013, nr 5, s. 13-18
7. Prediction and verification of compatibility of MMT nanofiller in PA6 matrix / Branislav Duleba, Emil Spišák, Janusz Sikora, Ludmila Dulebova // Key Engineering Materials.- 2015, vol. 635, s. 194-197
8. Structure and tensile properties evaluation of samples produced by Fused Deposition Modeling / Ivan Gajdoš, Jàn Slota, Emil Spišák, Tomasz Jachowicz, Aneta Tor-Świątek // Open Engineering.- 2016, vol. 6, nr 1, s. 86-89 [MNiSW: 11]
9. Tensile properties of additively manufactured polyetherimide parts / Ivan Gajdoš, Emil Spišák, Tomasz Jachowicz, Tomasz Garbacz // Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Mechanika.- 2016, vol. 293, nr 88, s. 189-197 [MNiSW: 7]
10. The impact of the amount of of polymer materials / Ludmila Dulebova, František Greškovič, Emil Spišák, Branislav Duleba, Tomasz Garbacz // Kovárenství.- 2012, nr 44, s. 33-36
11. Wybrane rozwiązania konstrukcyjne frezarek i centrów obróbczych sterowanych numerycznie / Jerzy Józwik, Jan Kral, Ivan Kuric, Jan Kral jr., Emil Spišák // Postępy Nauki i Techniki.- 2012, nr 13, s. 101-116
Fragmenty książek
1. Calculation of long fibers breaking and distribution in injection molded parts distribution in injection molded parts with cae analysis / Ivan Gajdoš, Emil Spišák, František Greškovič, Janusz Sikora. [W]: Technological and design aspects of the processing of composites and nanocomposites : monography. Vol. 1.- 2018, s. 118-128 [MNiSW: 5]
2. Calibration device for the extrusion of cable coatings / Tomasz Garbacz, L'udmila Dulebová, Emil Spišák, Martina Martina Dulebová. [W]: PRO-TECH-MA 2015 and Surface Engineering 2015 International Scientific Conference, 7-9.10.2015, High Tatras, Slovakia : [book of abstracts].- 2015, s. 31-32
3. Heat-resistant coatings on the basis of phenol-formaldehyde compositions / Tomasz Garbacz, Ivan Gajdoš, Volodymyr Krasinskyi, Emil Spišák. [W]: Surface Engineering 2014 - International Scientific Conference, High Tatras 23 -24. 10. 2014 : [book of abstracts].- 2014, s. 39-39
4. Implementation of the plastication process in an innovative extrusion machine for the processing of
composite and nanocomposite materials. Concept and implementation of control system of the extruder. Pt 1, Motor / Karolina Głogowska, Emil Spišák, Marcin Buczaj. [W]: Technological and design aspects of the processing of composites and nanocomposites : monography. Vol. 4.- 2021, s. 7-34 [MNiSW: 5]
5. Mixing Performance Analysis of Single Screw Extruder with Rotational Barrel Segment / Ivan Gajdoš, Janusz Sikora, Emil Spišák, Karolina Głogowska. [W]: Technological and design aspects of the processing of composites and nanocomposites : monography. Vol. 3.- 2020, s. 102-117 [MNiSW: 5]
6. Numerical Evaluation of Distributive Mixing Capability of Single Screw Extruder with Rotational Barrel Segment / Ivan Gajdoš, Emil Spišák, František Greškovič, Ludmila Dulebova, Janusz Sikora. [W]: PRO-TECH-MA 2020 : proceedings of the extended abstracts International Scientific Conference on Progressive Technologies and Materials.- 2020, s. 17-18
7. Prediction and yerification of compatibility of MMT nanofiller in PA6 matrix / Branislav Duleba, Emil Spišák, Janusz Sikora, L'udmila Dulebová. [W]: Zbornik 9. Medzinárodnej Vedecko – Technickej Konferencie: Materiál v Inžinierskej Praxi2014, 12. -13. jún 2014, Herlany, Slovensko : [książka stresczeń].- 2014, s. 13-13
8. Simulation analysis of single screw extruder in Ansys Polyflow / Ivan Gajdoš, Janusz Sikora, Emil Spišák, František Greškovič. [W]: Technological and design aspects of the processing of composites and nanocomposites : monography. Vol. 2.- 2019, s. 61-73 [MNiSW: 20]
9. Structure and properties evaluation of samples produced by fused deposition modeling / Ivan Gajdoš, Jàn Slota, Emil Spišák, Tomasz Jachowicz. [W]: PRO-TECH-MA 2015 and Surface Engineering 2015 International Scientific Conference, 7-9.10.2015, High Tatras, Slovakia : [book of abstracts].- 2015, s. 30-30
10. Tolerances of injection molded parts and evaluation in caqc software / Ivan Gajdoš, Emil Spišák, František Greškovič, Tomasz Jachowicz. [W]: Technological and design aspects of extrusion and injection moulding of thermoplastic polymer composites and nanocomposites : monography. Vol. 5.- 2017, s. 7-18 [MNiSW: 5]
11. Utilization of mesh superposition technique for simulation of single screw extruder / Gajdos Ivan, Emil Spisak, Janusz Sikora, Volodymyr Krasinskyi. [W]: PRO-TECH-MA 2019 : International Scientific Conference : conference proceedings.- 2019, s. 39-39
1. PRO-TECH-MA 2017 & SURFACE ENGINEERING 2017 : International Scientific Conference, 20-23 June 2017, Bardejov Spa, Slovakia : [conference proceedings] / eds.: Emil Spišák, L'uboš Kaščàk, Anna Guzanová, L'udmila Dulebová.- Košice : Technical University of Košice, 2017.- 134 s.- ISBN 978-80-553-3181-2
2. PRO-TECH-MA 2019 : International Scientific Conference : conference proceedings / eds.: Emil Spišák, Ľuboš Kaščák, Tomáš Jezný.- Košice : Technical University of Košice, 2019.- 130 s
3. PRO-TECH-MA 2023 and Košice Summit of Innovation and Technology "KSIT 2023" : conference proceedings / Emil Spišák, L'uboš Kaščàk, Ján Varga, Peter Mulidrán.- Košice : Technical University of Košice, 2023.- 129 s.- ISBN 978-80-553-4420-1
Inne materiały
1. Effect of temperature distribution in the particular zones of the plasticizing on extrudant properties / Tomasz Garbacz, Emil Spišák. [W]: 28th International Conference of Polymer Processing Society (PPS-28), 11-15.12.2012, Pattaya, Thailand,
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