Fragmenty książek z 2023 (1)
Fragmenty książek z 2019 (1)
1. Cfd simulation of rotational barrel segment mixing performance in single screw extruder / Ivan Gajdoš, Ján Slota, Janusz Sikora, Volodymyr Krasinskyi. [W]: II International Scientific-Technical Conference "The modern technologies of polymer materials obtaining and processing" : book of abstracts.- 2019, s. 16-16
Fragmenty książek z 2015 (1)
1. Structure and properties evaluation of samples produced by fused deposition modeling / Ivan Gajdoš, Jàn Slota, Emil Spišák, Tomasz Jachowicz. [W]: PRO-TECH-MA 2015 and Surface Engineering 2015 International Scientific Conference, 7-9.10.2015, High Tatras, Slovakia : [book of abstracts].- 2015, s. 30-30
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