Artykuły z 2020 (1)
1. Combined TBATS and SVM model of minimum and maximum air temperatures applied to wheat yield prediction at different locations in Europe / Magdalena Gos, Jaromir Krzyszczak, Piotr Baranowski, Małgorzata Murat, Iwona Malinowska // Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.- 2020, vol. 281, s. 1-19 [MNiSW: 200]
Artykuły z 2018 (1)
1. Forecasting daily meteorological time series using ARIMA and regression models / Małgorzata Murat, Iwona Malinowska, Magdalena Gos, Jaromir Krzyszczak // International Agrophysics.- 2018, vol. 32, nr 2, s. 253-264 [MNiSW: 25]
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