Artykuły z 2025 (2)
1. Comprehensive review of advancements, challenges, design, and environmental impact in floating photovoltaic systems / Hani Attar, Ali Alahmer, Gabriel Borowski, Sameh Alsaqoor // Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology (EEET).- 2025, vol. 26, nr 2, s. 301-322 [MNiSW: 20]
2. Utilizing waste polyethylene for improved properties of asphalt binders and mixtures: A review / Amani Abdallah Assolie, Abeer Al-Migdady, Gabriel Borowski, Sameh Alsaqoor, Ahmed Suliman B. Ali, Ali Alahmer // Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal.- 2025, vol. 19, nr 1, s. 301-320 [MNiSW: 100]
Artykuły z 2024 (6)
1. Atmospheric water harvesting technology: Review and future prospects / Nabil Beithou, Mohammad Bani Khalid, Samer As’ad, Sameh Alsaqoor, Gabriel Borowski, Nabeel Taiseer Alshabatat, Artur Andruszkiewicz // Journal of Ecological Engineering.- 2024, vol. 25, nr 3, s. 291-302 [MNiSW: 70]
2. Comparison of the performance of PID and TVLQR controllers for nonlinear modelling of a freedom flying body / Mohamed Fawzy, Hani Attar, Ayman Amer, Sameh Alsaqoor, Ali Alahmer, Gabriel Borowski, Ahmed Solyman, Samer As’ad, Ramy Said Agieb // Przegląd Elektrotechniczny.- 2024, vol. 100, nr 4, s. 291-297 [MNiSW: 70]
3. Enhanced approach for prioritisation of failures in failure mode and effects analysis under uncertainty / Reema Al-dalain, Nabil Beithou, Mohammad Bani Khalid, Gabriel Borowski, Sameh Alsaqoor // Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal.- 2024, vol. 18, nr 6, s. 259-265 [MNiSW: 100]
4. Enhancing thermal performance of hot storage tanks through chimney-type electric heating and natural circulation / Nabil Beithou, Nassir Abdallatif, Mohammad Bani Khalid, Hani Attar, Sameh Alsaqoor, Ali Alahmer, Gabriel Borowski, Samer As’ad, Artur Andruszkiewicz, Reema Al-dal’ain // Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal.- 2024, vol. 18, nr 3, s. 151-160 [MNiSW: 100]
5. Microclimate Thermal Control for Open-Air Areas / Nabil Beithou, Mohammad Bani Khalid, Samer As’ad, Hani Attar, Mustafa Awwad Al-Khawaldeh, Gabriel Borowski, Khalid S. Rababa, Artur Andruszkiewicz, Sameh Alsaqoor // Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology (EEET).- 2024, vol. 25, nr 5, s. 198-207 [MNiSW: 20]
6. The implementation of low emission zones in low-income countries: A case study / Reema Al-dalain, Nabil Beithou, Mohammad Bani Khalid, Moh’d Alsqour, Esraa Azzam, Gabriel Borowski, Sameh Alsaqoor // Journal of Ecological Engineering.- 2024, vol. 25, nr 12, s. 261-268 [MNiSW: 70]
Artykuły z 2023 (5)
1. Effect of liquid saturated porous medium on heat transfer from thermoelectric generator / Mohammad A. Mansour, Nabil Beithou, Ali Othman, A. Qandil, Mohammad Bani Khalid, Gabriel Borowski, Sameh Alsaqoor, Ali Alahmer, Hussam Jouhara // International Journal of Thermofluids.- 2023, vol. 17, nr 100264, s. 1-7 [MNiSW: 20]
2. Effect of the Residential Photovoltaic Systems Evolution on Electricity and Thermal Energy Usage in Jordan / Nabil Beithou, Mohammad A. Mansour, Nasser Abdellatif, Sameh Alsaqoor, Sultan Tarawneh, Ala H. Jaber, Artur Andruszkiewicz, Moh’d Alsqour, Gabriel Borowski, Ali Alahmer, Julia Siderska // Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal.- 2023, vol. 17, nr 3, s. 79-87 [MNiSW: 100]
3. Floating photovoltaics: Assessing the potential, advantages, and challenges of harnessing solar energy on water bodies / Ayman Amer, Hani Attar, Samer As’ad, Sameh Alsaqoor, Ilhami Colak, Ali Alahmer, Malik Alali, Gabriel Borowski, Moayyad Hmada, Ahmed Solyman // Journal of Ecological Engineering.- 2023, vol. 24, nr 10, s. 324-339 [MNiSW: 100]
4. Performance Comparison of Four-Stroke Diesel Engine Fuelled by Various Biodiesel Blends and Diesel / Samer As’ad, Sameh Alsaqoor, Mamdoh Abdel Alaziz Al-Busoul, M. Abu-Zaid, Magdalena Joka-Yilidz, Gabriel Borowski, Mustafa Awwad Al-Khawaldeh // Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal.- 2023, vol. 17, nr 4, s. 46-52 [MNiSW: 100]
5. Simulation of SESAME's synchrotron storage ring for the pressure predictions in vacuum system / Firas Makahleh, Hani Attar, Ahmad Manasrah, Anas Nassar, Ayman Amer, Sameh Alsaqoor, Gabriel Borowski, Ali Alahmer // Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal.- 2023, vol. 17, nr 6, s. 164-170 [MNiSW: 100]
Artykuły z 2022 (6)
1. An Experimental Investigation into Improving the Performance of Thermoelectric Generators / Ali Alahmer, Mohammad Bani Khalid, Nabil Beithou, Gabriel Borowski, Sameh Alsaqoor, Hashem Alhendi // Journal of Ecological Engineering.- 2022, vol. 23, nr 3, s. 100-108 [MNiSW: 70]
2. Evaluation of Wind Energy Potential in View of the Wind Speed Parameters – A Case Study for the Southern Jordan / Sameh Alsaqoor, Abdullah Marashli, Reem At-Tawarah, Gabriel Borowski, Ali Alahmer, Nader Aljabarin, Nabil Beithou // Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal.- 2022, vol. 16, nr 6, s. 275-285 [MNiSW: 100]
3. Integrated Eco-Friendly Outdoor Cooling System – Case Study of Hot-Humid Climate Countries / Mohammad Bani Khalid, Nabil Beithou, M.A.Sh. Al-Taani, Artur Andruszkiewicz, Ali Alahmer, Gabriel Borowski, Sameh Alsaqoor // Journal of Ecological Engineering.- 2022, vol. 23, nr 1, s. 64-72 [MNiSW: 70]
4. Investigating the Potential of Steam Hydro Capacitor – Prototype / Sameh Alsaqoor, Hussein M. Sarayreh, Artur Andruszkiewicz, Gabriel Borowski, Ali Alahmer, M. Abu-Zaid // Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology (EEET).- 2022, vol. 23, nr 6, s. 275-282 [MNiSW: 20]
5. Simulation studies of controllers for battery thermal management system with multi-thermoelectric modules / Mohammad Tariq Nasir, Nabil Beithou, Gabriel Borowski, Sameh Alsaqoor // Przegląd Elektrotechniczny.- 2022, vol. 98, nr 8, s. 77-83 [MNiSW: 70]
6. The Behavior of Jordanian Oil Shale during Combustion Process from the El-Lajjun Deposit / Mousa Gougazeh, Sameh Alsaqoor, Gabriel Borowski, Ashraf Alsafasfeh, Ismail I. Hdaib // Journal of Ecological Engineering.- 2022, vol. 23, nr 8, s. 133-140 [MNiSW: 70]
Artykuły z 2021 (1)
1. Using Agglomeration Techniques for Coal and Ash Waste Management in the Circular Economy / Gabriel Borowski, Sameh Alsaqoor, Ali Alahmer // Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal.- 2021, vol. 15, nr 3, s. 264-276 [MNiSW: 100]
Artykuły z 2019 (2)
1. Effect of parameters on moisture removal capacity in the desiccant cooling systems / Ali Alahmer, Sameh Alsaqoor, Gabriel Borowski // Case Studies in Thermal Engineering.- 2019, vol. 13, s. 1-9 [MNiSW: 70]
2. Optimal mass diffusion transfer in solids using heat transfer similarities / Samar Jaber, Ali Alahmer, Gabriel Borowski, Sameh Alsaqoor // Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal.- 2019, vol. 13, nr 4, s. 54-59 [MNiSW: 100]
Artykuły z 2018 (1)
1. Modeling and optimization of transparent thermal insulation material / Marek K. Lewkowicz , Sameh Alsaqoor, Ali Alahmer, Gabriel Borowski // Journal of Solar Energy Engineering - Transactions of The Asme.- 2018, vol. 140, nr 5, s. 054501-1-054501-6 [MNiSW: 30]
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