Zewnętrzne identyfikatory
WoS ResearcherID | BRAK |
Scopus ID | BRAK |
Historia zatrudnienia
Vinnytsia Natl Tech Univ, Ukraine | zatrudniony do dnia dzisiejszego |
Trzy ostatnio wprowadzone fragmenty książek autora (1)
Development of the construction sketch of N-channel MOS-phototransistor with bilateral illumination of channel and operation card of its making / Alexander V. Osadchuk, Vladimir S. Osadchuk, Olena M. Zhahlovska, Saule Luganskaya, Andrzej Kociubiński. [W]: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2018.- 2018, s. 212-227 [MNiSW: 15]
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