dr hab. Paweł Żukowski, prof. uczelni
automatyka, elektronika, elektrotechnika i technologie kosmiczne
Fragmenty książek z 2024 (1)
1. DC Conductivity of Electrical Pressboard Impregnated with Mineral Oil of Natural Origin at Various Moisture Levels / Konrad Kierczyński, Paweł Żukowski, Marek Zenker, Marek Szrot, Paweł Molenda, Daniel Korenciak, Miroslav Gutten. [W]: 15th International Conference ELEKTRO 2024 : conference proceedings.- 2024, s. 1-5 [MNiSW: 20]
Fragmenty książek z 2019 (5)
1. Electron transport and thermoelectric properties of ZnO ceramics doped with Fe / A. K. Fedotov, A.V. Pashkevich, J. A. Fedotova, A.S. Fedotov, I. A. Svito, T. N. Kołtunowicz, P. Żukowski, Ali Arash Ronassi, V. V. Fedotova. [W]: EMN Rome Meeting 2019 Energy Materials Nonotechnology : program & abstracts.- 2019, s. 91-91
2. Measurement on transformer windings by impact test / Daniel Korenčiak, Miroslav Gutten, Matej Kučera, Milan Šebok, Tomasz Kołtunowicz, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: MEASUREMENT 2019 : proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Measurement.- 2019, s. 323-326
3. Negative capacitance of nanocomposites with FeCoZr nanoparticles embedded into solica matrix / J. Fedotova, T. N. Kołtunowicz, Ali Arash Ronassi, A. K. Fedotov, P. Żukowski, A.S. Fedotov, D. Rusak, Yu. E. Kalinin, A.V.Sitnikov, V. V.Fedotova. [W]: EMN Rome Meeting 2019 Energy Materials Nonotechnology : program & abstracts.- 2019, s. 92-92
4. Structure and Properties of Combined Multilayer Coatings Based on Alternative Triple Nitride and Binary Metallic Layers / O. V. Bondar, Alexander D. Pogrebnjak, Y. Takeda, B. Postolnyi, P. Żukowski, R. Sakenova, V. Beresnev and V. Stolbovoy. [W]: Advances in Thin Films, Nanostructured Materials, and Coatings : selected papers from the 2018 International Conference on “Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties”.- 2019, s. 31-40 [MNiSW: 20]
Fragmenty książek z 2018 (8)
1. Analysis of Winding Fault in Electric Machines by Frequency Method / Martin Brandt, Miroslav Gutten,Tomasz Kołtunowicz, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 12th International Conference ELEKTRO 2018 : conference proceedings.- 2018, s. 1-4 [MNiSW: 15]
2. Comparison of DC conductivity of the insulating oil and moisturized electrical pressboard impregnated with insulating oil / Konrad Kierczyński, Paweł Żukowski, Milan Šebok, Miroslav Gutten. [W]: 12th International Conference ELEKTRO 2018 : conference proceedings.- 2018, s. 1-4 [MNiSW: 15]
3. Determination of nanocapillaries dimensions in insulative oil impregnated electrotechnical pressboard / Przemysław Rogalski, Paweł Żukowski, Milan Šebok, Miroslav Gutten. [W]: 12th International Conference ELEKTRO 2018 : conference proceedings.- 2018, s. 1-5 [MNiSW: 15]
4. Determination of nanocapillaries radii statistical distribution in electrotechnical pressboard / Przemysław Rogalski, Paweł Żukowski, Daniel Korenčiak. [W]: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2018.- 2018, s. 1424-1430 [MNiSW: 15]
5. Measuring System for Analysis of Transformer Moisture / Miroslav Gutten, Daniel Korenčiak, Richard Janura, Tomasz Kołtunowicz, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 12th International Conference ELEKTRO 2018 : conference proceedings.- 2018, s. 1-4 [MNiSW: 15]
6. Modeling of dielectric to metal conduction transition in nanocomposites by using high voltage discharge / Paweł Okal, Przemysław Rogalski, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2018.- 2018, s. 1587-1594 [MNiSW: 15]
7. Quantum phenomena in metallic phase nanoparticles / Paweł Żukowski, Vitalii Bondariev. [W]: Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies IX.- 2018, s. 370-376 [MNiSW: 15]
8. The influence of temperature on the AC conductivity of a composite pressboard-synthetic ester-water nanoparticles / Konrad Kierczyński, Paweł Żukowski, Jan Subocz, Marek Zenker. [W]: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2018.- 2018, s. 1587-1594 [MNiSW: 15]
Fragmenty książek z 2017 (13)
1. A method of syntactic text steganography based on modification of the document-container aprosh / Nadzeya Shutko, Pavel Urbanovich, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 10th International Conference New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation (NEET 2017), 27-30 June 2017, Zakopane : [book of abstrcts].- 2017, s. 48-48
2. AC Measurements and dielectric properties of nitrogen-rich silicon nitride thin films / Karolina Czarnacka, Paweł Żukowski, Fadei F. Komarov, Ivan A. Romanov, Irina N. Parkhomenko. [W]: Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE 7th International Conference Nanomaterials: Application & Properties (NAP-2017) [WOS].- 2017, s. 1-4
3. Analysis of transformer condition by frequency and time methods / Miroslav Gutten, Milan Šimko, Milan Šebok, Milan Chupáč, Daniel Korenčiak, Paweł Żukowski, Tomasz Kołtunowicz. [W]: 10th International Conference New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation (NEET 2017), 27-30 June 2017, Zakopane : [book of abstrcts].- 2017, s. 107-107
4. Electric properties of composite Zno-based ceramics doped with Fe / A. S. Fedotov, A. Pashkevich, L. A. Bliznyuk, J. V. Kasiuk, Aleksander K. Fedotov, N. Basov, I. Svito, M. Budzyński, Marek Wiertel, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 10th International Conference New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation (NEET 2017), 27-30 June 2017, Zakopane : [book of abstrcts].- 2017, s. 89-89
5. Electrical properties of SiO2 layers comtained ion-beam synthesized InSb nanocrystals / Karolina Czarnacka, Tomasz Kołtunowicz, Paweł Żukowski, Aleksander S. Fedotov, Aleksander K. Fedotov, Ida E. Tyschenko. [W]: 10th International Conference New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation (NEET 2017), 27-30 June 2017, Zakopane : [book of abstrcts].- 2017, s. 114-114
6. Formirovanìe efektivno pogloščaûščego SVČ izlučenie materiala na osnove polimernoj matrycy s dobavleniem uglerodnyh nanotrubok = The influence of concentration and type of carbon nanotubes in the epoxy composite on its elecrophysical and optical characteristics / I. D Parfìmovìč, M.V Grìčenko, Paweł Żukowski, O.V. Mìlčanìn, Karolina Czarnacka, A.G. Tkačev, T.P. D′âčkova, N.R. Memetov. [W]: Vzaimodejstvie izlučenij s tverdlm telom = Interaction of Radiation with Solids : materialy 12-j Meždunarodnoj Kohferencii, Minsk, Bełarus’,19-22 sentаbrа 2017 r..- 2017, s. 263-265
7. Microstructure and mechanical properties of (Ti-Zr-Nb)N coatings / Olga V. Maksakova, Sónia Simões, Alexander D. Pogrebnjak, Vyacheslav M. Beresnev, Marek Opielak, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 10th International Conference New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation (NEET 2017), 27-30 June 2017, Zakopane : [book of abstrcts].- 2017, s. 94-94
8. Modeling of percolation phenomena in granular metal-dielectric nanocomposites using high voltage discharges / Paweł Żukowski, Przemysław Rogalski. [W]: 10th International Conference New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation (NEET 2017), 27-30 June 2017, Zakopane : [book of abstrcts].- 2017, s. 106-106
9. Spectroscopic characteristicsof composite materials based on chalcopirites / Igor Azarko, Oleg Ignatenko , Vladimir B. Odzhaev, Paweł Żukowski, Elena Kozlova. [W]: 10th International Conference New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation (NEET 2017), 27-30 June 2017, Zakopane : [book of abstrcts].- 2017, s. 46-46
10. Structure and elemental composition of multilayered nanocomposite TiN/ZrN coatings before and after annealing in air / Oleksandr V. Bondar , Margarita O. Lisovenko, Katya O. Belovol, Bogdan O. Postolnyi, Emerson Coy, Karol Załęski, Paweł Żukowski, Piotr Konarski. [W]: Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE 7th International Conference Nanomaterials: Application & Properties (NAP-2017) [WOS].- 2017, s. 1-4
11. The delay line with a surface acoustic wave for an oscillator of electric signals in some sensors / Milan Šimko, Milan Šebok, Milan Chupáč, Daniel Korenčiak, Miroslav Gutten, Paweł Żukowski, Tomasz Kołtunowicz. [W]: 10th International Conference New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation (NEET 2017), 27-30 June 2017, Zakopane : [book of abstrcts].- 2017, s. 108-108
12. Visualization of the percolation phenomenon in two-dimensional arrangement of metallic spherical particles / Paweł Okal, Przemysław Rogalski, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2017.- 2017, s. 1438-1445 [MNiSW: 15]
13. Wetting transition phenomenon in rapidly solidified Al-In alloys / Iya Tashlykova-Bushkevich, Julia Yakovenko, Iuliana Bushkevich, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 10th International Conference New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation (NEET 2017), 27-30 June 2017, Zakopane : [book of abstrcts].- 2017, s. 75-75
Fragmenty książek z 2016 (2)
1. Raman study of CVD graphene irradiated by swift heavy ions / E.A. Kolesov, Mikhail Tivanov, O. Korolik, P. Apel, Vladimir Skuratov, I.V. Komissarov, Anis Saad, Antoni Świć, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 11-th International Conference ION Implantation and Other Applications of IONS and Electrons - ION 2016, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, June 13–16, 2016 : [book of abstracts].- 2016, s. 89-89
Fragmenty książek z 2015 (11)
1. Analysis of composition, morphology and wettability of Mo thin layers deposited on glass / Igor Tashlykov, Oleg M. Mikhalkovich, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 9th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation", NEET 2015, Zakopane, Poland, June 23 – 26, 2015 : [book of abstrcts].- 2015, s. 43-43
2. Capacitive properties of nanocomposite (FeCoZr)x(PZT)(100-x) produced by sputtering with use of argon and oxygen ions beam / Tomasz Kołtunowicz, Paweł Żukowski, Oleksandr Boiko, Vitalii Bondariev, Karolina Czarnacka, Aleksander K. Fedotov, A.V. Larkin, A. M. Saad. [W]: 22nd International Symposium on Metastable,Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials, ISMANAM 2015, 13-17 July 2015 Paris, France : [book of abstracts].- 2015, s. 416-416
3. Characterization of Ion-Induced Changes in Magnetic Anisotropy of FeCoZr-CaF 2 Nanocomposite Films by Resonance Methods / J. V. Kasiuk, Vadim Baev, J. Fedotova, V. A. Skuratov, Vitalii Bondariev, Tomasz Kołtunowicz, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 9th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation", NEET 2015, Zakopane, Poland, June 23 – 26, 2015 : [book of abstrcts].- 2015, s. 54-54
4. Diagnostics of transformer with insulation oil-paper / Miroslav Gutten, Daniel Korenčiak, Richard Janura, Milan Šebok Paweł Żukowski, Tomasz Kołtunowicz. [W]: 9th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation", NEET 2015, Zakopane, Poland, June 23 – 26, 2015 : [book of abstrcts].- 2015, s. 120-120
5. Dielectric properties of nanocompositr (Cu)x(SiO2)(100-x) produced by ion-beam sputtering / Tomasz Kołtunowicz, Paweł Żukowski, Karolina Czarnacka, Vitalii Bondariev, Oleksandr Boiko. [W]: 22nd International Symposium on Metastable,Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials, ISMANAM 2015, 13-17 July 2015 Paris, France : [book of abstracts].- 2015, s. 398-398
6. Effect of electron irradiation on Raman spectra of carbon nanotube buckypaper / F. F. Komarov, Paweł Żukowski, R.M. Krivosheev, E. Munoz, A.G. Tkachev, A.V. Schegolkov, Tomasz Kołtunowicz. [W]: 9th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation", NEET 2015, Zakopane, Poland, June 23 – 26, 2015 : [book of abstrcts].- 2015, s. 153-153
7. Electrotransport properties of SnO х thin films obtained by thermal oxidation of the tin / Vitaly Zarapin, V. Luhin, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 9th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation", NEET 2015, Zakopane, Poland, June 23 – 26, 2015 : [book of abstrcts].- 2015, s. 42-42
8. Phase transformations and electric properties of the doped А 3 В 3 С 6 2 crystals / S.A. Dawood, Tofig G. Mammadov, Paweł Żukowski, Tomasz Kołtunowicz, A. M. Saad, Mikhail Tivanov, Aleksander K. Fedotov. [W]: 9th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation", NEET 2015, Zakopane, Poland, June 23 – 26, 2015 : [book of abstrcts].- 2015, s. 40-40
9. Raman G-peak temperature shift of bilayer graphene on copper substrate / Mikhail Tivanov, A.G. Praneuski, O. Korolik, I.V. Komissarov, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 3rd International Symposium “Optics and its Applications”, OPTICS-2015, Yerevan - Ashtarak, Armenia, 1-5,October, 2015: [book of abstracts].- 2015, s. 135-136
10. SnO2/ reduced graphene oxide composite films for electrochemical applications / Pavlo Bondarenko, Eugene Streltsov, Anatoly I. Kulak, Aleksander Mazanik, Olga Korolik, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 22nd International Symposium on Metastable,Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials, ISMANAM 2015, 13-17 July 2015 Paris, France : [book of abstracts].- 2015, s. 411-411
11. Study of dielectric function of (FeCoZr)x(CaF2)(100−x) nanocomposites produced with a beam of argon ions / Tomasz Kołtunowicz, Paweł Żukowski, Vitalii Bondariev, Oleksandr Boiko, Karolina Czarnacka, J. Fedotova, J. V. Kasiuk. [W]: 22nd International Symposium on Metastable,Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials, ISMANAM 2015, 13-17 July 2015 Paris, France : [book of abstracts].- 2015, s. 415-415
Fragmenty książek z 2014 (18)
1. Analysis of AC conductivity in wet oil impregnated insulating paper / Paweł Żukowski, Tomasz Kołtunowicz, Konrad Kierczyński. [W]: 10th International Conference ELEKTRO 2014 : proceedings [WOS].- 2014, s. 298-302 [MNiSW: 10]
2. Anisotropic magnetoresistance of Ni nanorod arrays in porous SiO 2 /Si templates manufactured by Swift Heavy Ion-Induced Modification / J. Fedotova, D. Ivanou, Y. Ivanova, A. Fedotov, A. Mazanik, I. Svito, E. Streltsov, V. V. Fedotova, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 10th International Conference ION Implantation and Other Applications of IONS and Elektrons - ION 2014, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, June 23–26, 2014 : [book of abstracts].- 2014, s. 115-115
3. Composition and microstructure of surface layers produced by the ion beam assisted deposition of metals from a pulsed arc-discharge plasma onto aluminum substrates / Paweł Żukowski, F. F. Komarov, V. V. Pilko , V. Luhin, V.V. Poplavsky. [W]: 10th International Conference ION Implantation and Other Applications of IONS and Elektrons - ION 2014, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, June 23–26, 2014 : [book of abstracts].- 2014, s. -
4. Dielectric properties and model of the impedance formation of (Co45Fe45Zr10)x(PZT)(100-x) nanocomposites produced by means of Ion sputtering / Paweł Żukowski, Tomasz Kołtunowicz, Oleksandr Boiko, Aleksander K. Fedotov, J. Fedotova, A.V. Larkin. [W]: Science and Applications of Thin Films, Conference & Exhibition, SAFT 2014, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey, September 15-19, 2014:[book of abstracts].- 2014, s. 313-313
5. Ellipsometry investigation of spin-valve systems on the basis of Fe, Co and Au / M. Demydenko, Olena Fedchenko, Serhiy Protsenko, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 10th International Conference ION Implantation and Other Applications of IONS and Elektrons - ION 2014, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, June 23–26, 2014 : [book of abstracts].- 2014, s. 119-119
6. Fabrication and characterization of transparent tin dioxide films with variable stoichiometric composition / Vitaly K. Ksenevich, Dmitriy V. Adamchuk, Vladimir Odzhaev, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 10th International Conference ION Implantation and Other Applications of IONS and Elektrons - ION 2014, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, June 23–26, 2014 : [book of abstracts].- 2014, s. 76-76
7. Investigation of nanoscale TiN/MoN multilayered systems fabricated using arc evaporation / Paweł Żukowski, V.M. Beresnev, A.D. Pogrebnjak, O. V. Bondar , O.V. Sobol, G. Abadias, B. O. Postolnyi, Dominick Eyidi. [W]: 10th International Conference ION Implantation and Other Applications of IONS and Elektrons - ION 2014, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, June 23–26, 2014 : [book of abstracts].- 2014, s. -
8. Magnetic Anisotropy in Bicomponent Self-assembled Ni-Pd Nanowires Studied by Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy / Konrad Kierczyński, Paweł Żukowski, Tomasz Kołtunowicz, Julia A. Fedotova, Eugene Streltsov, Alexey Maximenko, V. G. Bayev, M. Milosavljevic, Mikalai V. Malashchonak. [W]: Science and Applications of Thin Films, Conference & Exhibition, SAFT 2014, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey, September 15-19, 2014:[book of abstracts].- 2014, s. 312-312
9. Model of electron hopping transport in nanocomposites produced by Ion-Beam sputtering / Paweł Żukowski, Tomasz Kołtunowicz, Konrad Kierczyński, Karolina Czarnacka, Vitalii Bondariev, Oleksandr Boiko. [W]: 5th International Conference on Radiation Interaction with Materials: Fundamentals and Applications 2014 : book of abstracts.- 2014, s. 363-370
10. Moisture level content analysis in oil impregnated pressboard used in power transformers / Milan Šebok, Paweł Żukowski, Tomasz Kołtunowicz, Konrad Kierczyński, Jan Subocz, Marek Szrot. [W]: 10th International Conference ELEKTRO 2014 : proceedings [WOS].- 2014, s. 369-374 [MNiSW: 10]
11. Percolation phenomena in Cu x (SiO y ) 100-x nanofilms produced by ion beam-sputtering / Tomasz Kołtunowicz, Paweł Żukowski, Karolina Czarnacka, I. Svito, Aleksander K. Fedotov. [W]: 10th International Conference ION Implantation and Other Applications of IONS and Elektrons - ION 2014, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, June 23–26, 2014 : [book of abstracts].- 2014, s. 55-55
12. Radiation tolerance and mechanical properties of nanostructured coatings TiN, TiAlN, TiAlYN irradiated with He+ ions / Paweł Żukowski, F. F. Komarov, S.V. Konstantinov, V.A. Kukareko , V. V. Pilko , V.E. Strelnitskij. [W]: 10th International Conference ION Implantation and Other Applications of IONS and Elektrons - ION 2014, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, June 23–26, 2014 : [book of abstracts].- 2014, s. -
13. Research of superhard (Zr-Ti-Cr-Nb)N coatings and their obtaining / O. V. Bondar , B. O. Postolnyi, Yaroslav Kravchenko, A. P. Shypylenko, O.V. Sobol, V.M. Beresnev, A.P. Kuzmenko, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 10th International Conference ION Implantation and Other Applications of IONS and Elektrons - ION 2014, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, June 23–26, 2014 : [book of abstracts].- 2014, s. 92-92
14. Resonance properties at alternating current of nanocomposite (CoFeZr)x(CaF2)(100-x) produced by Ion beam sputtering / Tomasz Kołtunowicz, Paweł Żukowski, Vitalii Bondariev, A.V. Larkin, Aleksander K. Fedotov, J. Fedotova. [W]: Science and Applications of Thin Films, Conference & Exhibition, SAFT 2014, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey, September 15-19, 2014 : [book of abstracts].- 2014, s. 314-314
15. SEM investigation of chitosan nanofibers produced by Nanospider technology / Nikolay R. Prokopchuk, V. Luhin, Konstantin V. Vishnevskii, Zhanna Shashok, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 10th International Conference ION Implantation and Other Applications of IONS and Elektrons - ION 2014, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, June 23–26, 2014 : [book of abstracts].- 2014, s. 118-118
16. Studying of element structure of the modified surface elastomer by SEM / Andrei Kasperovich , Valery Lihun, Igor Tashlykov, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 10th International Conference ION Implantation and Other Applications of IONS and Elektrons - ION 2014, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, June 23–26, 2014 : [book of abstracts].- 2014, s. 60-60
17. The presence of inductivity in (CoFeZr) 43.8 (PZT) 56.2 nanocomposite produced by ion beam sputtering / Paweł Żukowski, Tomasz Kołtunowicz, Oleksandr Boiko, Aleksander K. Fedotov, A.V. Larkin. [W]: 10th International Conference ION Implantation and Other Applications of IONS and Elektrons - ION 2014, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, June 23–26, 2014 : [book of abstracts].- 2014, s. 50-50
18. Voltage and current resonance in nanocomposite (FeCoZr) x (CaF 2 ) (100-x) produced by ion-beam sputtering in pure argon atmosphere / Tomasz Kołtunowicz, Paweł Żukowski, Vitalii Bondariev, Aleksander K. Fedotov, J. Fedotova, I. Svito, A. M. Saad. [W]: 10th International Conference ION Implantation and Other Applications of IONS and Elektrons - ION 2014, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, June 23–26, 2014 : [book of abstracts].- 2014, s. 51-51
Fragmenty książek z 2013 (15)
1. AC hopping conductivity in nanocomposite films ferromagnetic alloy-ferroelectric / T. N. Kołtunowicz, P. Żukowski, K. Kierczyński, J. Fedotova, A. Fedotov. [W]: 20th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials - ISMANAM, Torino, June 30 - July 5, 2013 : [book of abstracts].- 2013, s. -
2. Analysis thermal processes in distribution oil transformer / Daniel Korenčiak, Miroslav Gutten, Milan Šebok, Matej Kučera, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 8th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [book of abstrcts].- 2013, s. 35-35
3. Enhancement of negative capacitance effect in (CoFeZr)x(CaF2)(100-x) nanocomposite films deposited by ion beam sputtering in argon and oxygen atmosphere / Tomasz Kołtunowicz, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 20th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials - ISMANAM, Torino, June 30 - July 5, 2013 : [book of abstracts].- 2013, s. -
4. Formation, characterization and electromagnetic shielding of single-walled carbon nanotube buckypapers / F. Komarov, Paweł Żukowski, R.M. Krivosheev, E. Munoz, Tomasz Kołtunowicz, V.N. Rodionova, A.K. Togambaeva. [W]: 8th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [book of abstrcts].- 2013, s. 41-41
5. Hopping conductance in doped layered TIGaSe2 single crystals / S.A. Dawood, Tofig G. Mammadov, Paweł Żukowski, Tomasz Kołtunowicz, A. M. Saad, Aleksander K. Fedotov, N.A. Drozdov, M.A. Tarasik. [W]: 8th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [book of abstrcts].- 2013, s. 30-30
6. Hopping electron transport in granular nanocomposite films Cux(SiO2)1-x deposited by ion-beam sputtering / T. N. Kołtunowicz, P. Żukowski, A. Fedotov, Yu. Kalinin, A. M. Saad, A. Sitnikov, I. Svito. [W]: 20th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials - ISMANAM, Torino, June 30 - July 5, 2013 : [book of abstracts].- 2013, s. -
7. Influence of sputtering atmosphere on hopping conductance in granular nanocomposite films (FeCoZr)x(Al2O3)1-x / I. Svito, J. Fedotova, M. Milosavljević, P. Żukowski, T. N. Kołtunowicz, A. M. Saad, K. Kierczyński, A. Fedotov. [W]: 20th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials - ISMANAM, Torino, June 30 - July 5, 2013 : [book of abstracts].- 2013, s. -
8. Low-temperature DC carrier transport in (Co0.45Fe0.45Zr0.10)x(Al203)1-x nanocomposites sputtered in mixed argon-oxygen atmosphere / I. Svito, Aleksander K. Fedotov, A. M. Saad, Tomasz Kołtunowicz, Paweł Żukowski, P. Bury. [W]: 8th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [book of abstrcts].- 2013, s. 117-117
9. Low-temperature DC carrier transport in (Co0.45Fe0.45Zr0.10)x(Al203)1-x nanocomposites sputtered in pure Ar gas atmosphere / Tomasz Kołtunowicz, Paweł Żukowski, Aleksander K. Fedotov, A. M. Saad, I. Svito. [W]: 8th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [book of abstrcts].- 2013, s. 112-112
10. Negative capacitance of nanocomposites containing CoFeZr nanoparticles embedded into ferroelectric PZT matrix / J. Fedotova, Tomasz Kołtunowicz, Paweł Żukowski, A. M. Saad, Aleksander K. Fedotov, J. V. Kasiuk, A.V. Larkin. [W]: 8th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [book of abstrcts].- 2013, s. 115-115
11. Self-ion assited modification of elastomer and its properties / Andrei Kasperovich, Oleg Bobrovich, V. Tuljev, Valery Luhin, Zhanna S. Shashok, Igor Tashlykov, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 8th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [book of abstrcts].- 2013, s. 48-48
12. Spin-polarized and normal hopping magnetoresistance in heavy doped silicon / Aleksander K. Fedotov, S.L. Prischepa, A.L. Danilyuk, I. Svito, Paweł Żukowski, Tomasz Kołtunowicz. [W]: 8th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [book of abstrcts].- 2013, s. 31-31
13. Surface properties of Me/Si structures prepared by means of self-ion assisted deposition / Igor Tashlykov, Paweł Żukowski, Sergei M. Baraishuk, Oleg M. Mikhalkovich. [W]: 8th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [book of abstrcts].- 2013, s. 73-73
14. The elemental composition, topography and wettability of PbxSn1-xS thin films / Paweł Żukowski, Valery F.Gremenok, Igor Tashlykov, AAnton Turavets. [W]: 8th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [book of abstrcts].- 2013, s. 100-100
15. Thermal stability of the magnetic properties of film systems based on Fe, and Cr / Olena Fedchenko, Serhiy Protsenko, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 8th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 : [book of abstrcts].- 2013, s. 129-129
Fragmenty książek z 2012 (1)
1. Metal-insulator nanostructured films for magnetoelectronic devices: properties and applications / Julia A. Fedotova, Julia V. Kasiuk, Janusz Przewoźnik, Czesław Kapusta, Momir Milosavijević, Tomasz Kołtunowicz, Paweł Żukowski, Ivan A. Svito, Vadim Baev, Alexey Maximenko. [W]: Materials for energy and power engineering = Werkstoffe fur die Energietechnik.- 2012, s. 101-106
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