In this paper, model tests were carried out,which mainly focused on the numerical mapping ofthe characteristics of the gear backlash. In particu-lar, the effect of the approximation function on thevalue of the largest Lyapunov exponent was investi-gated. The generated multi-coloured maps served asa criterion for verifying the results of the model tests.The analysis involved polynomial functions of the thirddegree,itsmodifiedstructure,andthelogarithmicequa-tion. As a pattern to which the results of model testswere derived, the mathematical model of the gear wasused, in which the characteristics of the backlash weremodelled with a non-continuous function describingthe so-called dead zone. We show that the dependen-cies described by polynomials imprecisely describe thedynamics of a single-stage gear transmission mecha-nism. Additionally, the value of the logarithmic coeffi-cient, which approximates the backlash characteristics,for which the Poincare cross section corresponds withits model counterpart, is determined. The coefficient ofthe logarithmic function was optimized on the basis ofJ. Margielewicz·D. Ga ̨ska (B)Faculty of Transport, Silesian University of Technology,Krasi ́nskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice, Polande-mail: damian.gaska@polsl.plJ. Margielewicze-mail: jerzy.margielewicz@polsl.plG. LitakFaculty of Mechanical Engineering, Lublin University ofTechnology, Nadbystrzycka 36, 20-618 Lublin, Polande-mail: g.litak@pollub.plbifurcation diagrams, which were used to determine itshorizontal asymptote. The elimination of discontinu-ities significantly simplifies computer simulations andincreases their effectiveness without losinginformationabout the phenomena occurring in the gear transmis-sion