Politechnika Śląska ; student
Inne materiały z 2013 (2)
1. Research on cavitation erosion of magnesium casting alloys / Mirosław Szala, Bartłomiej Dybowski, Kamil Maciąg. [W]: Progressive Directions for Mechanical Engineering, Device Building Transportation Industries and Ecology : Materials of the Scientific International Technical Conference of Students, Postgraduate and Young Scientists, 20-23 of May 2013, Sevastopol,
2. The usage of magnesium alloys as biomaterials / Mirosław Szala, Kamil Maciąg, Bartłomiej Dybowski. [W]: Progressive Directions for Mechanical Engineering, Device Building Transportation Industries and Ecology : Materials of the Scientific International Technical Conference of Students, Postgraduate and Young Scientists, 20-23 of May 2013, Sevastopol,
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