Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
Artykuły z 2022 (2)
1. Growth morphology and phase composition of hierarchically self-organized oxyspinel composite films deposited by radio frequency magnetron sputtering / Piotr Sagan, Ivan Hadzaman, Volodymyr Popovych, Robert Mroczka, Agnieszka Krzyszczak, Marek Wiertel, Dariusz Chocyk // Ceramics International.- 2022, vol. 48, nr 17, s. 25236-25245 [MNiSW: 100]
2. Long-range effect in ion-implanted polymers / Taras Kavetskyy, Nataliia Stebeletska, Jarosław Borc, Mariana Kravtsiv, Katarzyna Graz, Ondrej Šauša, Helena Švajdlenková, Angela Kleinová, Arnold Kivg, Olga Tadeus, Andrey L. Stepanov // Vacuum.- 2022, vol. 200, s. 1-6 [MNiSW: 70]
Artykuły z 2016 (4)
1. Carbonization in boron-ion-implanted polymethylmethacrylate as revealed from Raman spectroscopy and electrical measurements / T. Kavetskyy, J. Nowak, Jarosław Borc, J. Rusnák, O. Šauša, A. L. Stepanov // Spectroscopy Letters.- 2016, vol. 49, nr 1, s. 5-10 [MNiSW: 15]
2. Nanoindentation test of radiation-modified As2S3 glass after 60Co gamma-irradiation / T. Kavetskyy, Jarosław Borc, A. L. Stepanov // Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society.- 2016, vol. 44, nr 11, s. 1636-1640
3. Nanostructural free-volume effects in humidity-sensitive MGO-Al2O3 ceramics for sensor applications / H. Klym, A. Ingram, O. Shpotyuk, I. Hadzaman, Oleksandra Hotra, Y. Kostiv // Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance.- 2016, vol. 25, nr 3, s. 866-873 [MNiSW: 20]
4. Positron annihilation characterization of free volume in micro- and macro-modified Cu0.4Co0.4Ni0.4Mn1.8O4 ceramics / Y. Klym, A. Ingram, O. Shpotyuk, I. Hadzaman, V. Solntsev, Oleksandra Hotra, Anatoli Popov // Low Temperature Physics.- 2016, vol. 42, nr 7, s. 601-605 [MNiSW: 15]
Artykuły z 2015 (1)
1. Compositional response of positron annihilation parameters in multicomponent chalcohalide glasses / T. Kavetskyy, V. M. Tsmots, O. Šauša, A. L. Stepanov, R. Borc, J. Ren, G. Chen // Advances in Natural Sciences : Theory & Applications.- 2015, vol. 4, nr 2, s. 47-55
Artykuły z 2013 (1)
1. Reply on the "critical comments on speculations with ... free-volume defects ... in ion-conducting Ag/AgI-As2S3 glasses ..." / T. Kavetskyy, J. Borc, P. Petkov, K. Kolev, T. Petkova, V. Tsmots // Solid State Ionics.- 2013, vol. 233, s. 107-109 [MNiSW: 30]
Artykuły z 2012 (1)
1. Structure of AgI-doped Ge–In–S glasses: experiment, reverse Monte Carlo modelling, and density functional calculations / A. Chrissanthopoulos, P. Jóvári, I. Kaban, S. Gruner, T. Kavetskyy, J. Borc, W. Wang, J. Ren, G. Chen, S. N. Yannopoulos // Journal of Solid State Chemistry.- 2012, vol. 192, s. 17-15
Artykuły z 2011 (3)
1. Free-volume defects and microstructure in ion-conducting Ag/AgI-As(2)S(3) glasses as revealed from positron annihilation and microhardness measurements / T Kavetskyy, Jarosław Borc, P. Petkov, K. Kolev, T. Petkova // Solid State Ionics.- 2011, vol. 183, nr 1, s. 16-19
2. Study of indentation microhardness of bismuth-doped As(2)Se(3) glasses / T. Kavetskyy, J, Borc, K. Sangwal // Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications.- 2011, vol. 5, nr 7, s. 755-760
3. Study of microindentation cracks in bismuth-doped arsenic selenide glasses / K. Sangwal, J. Borc, T Kavetskyy // Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids.- 2011, vol. 357, nr 16-17, s. 3117-3122
Artykuły z 2010 (1)
1. Indentation size effect and Vickers microhardness measurement of metal-modified arsenic chalcogenide glasses / T. Kavetskyy, J. Borc, K. Sangwal, V. Tsmots // JOAM - Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials.- 2010, vol. 12, nr 10, s. 2082-2091
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