Bukovinian State Medical University, Ukraine
Fragmenty książek z 2023 (1)
1. Polarization methods and matrix interference systems for diagnosing the polycrystalline structure of soft matter layers / Yuriy A. Ushenko, Liliya Trifonyuk, Iryna V. Soltys, Olexander Dubolazov, Olexander Ushenko, Ivan Mikirin, Olexandra Yu. Litvinenko, Oleg Wanchuliak, Natalia Sachaniuk-Kavets’ka, Sofia V. Dembitska, Zbigniew Omiotek, Dina Oralbekova, Ainur Akhmediarova. [W]: Optical Fibers and Their Applications 2023.- 2023, s. 1-8 [MNiSW: 20]
Fragmenty książek z 2021 (1)
1. Polarization correlometry of microscopic images and polycrystalline networks of biological layers necrotic changes / Anatoly T. Stashkevich, Sergiy V. Kozlov, Alexander V. Dubolazov, Yuriy A. Ushenko, Viktor P. Polevyi, Yuriy M. Solovey, Ilya G. Chepega, Igor V. Prokopovich, Andrzej Kotyra, Gauhar Borankulova, Gauhar Borankulova, Bakhyt Yeraliyeva. [W]: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High Energy Physics Experiments 2021.- 2021, s. 90-94 [MNiSW: 20]
Fragmenty książek z 2020 (2)
1. Fluorescent microscopy of biological tissues of the dead with the different levels of blood loss / Alexander G. Ushenko, Anna Syvokorovskaya, Viktor T. Bachinsky, Marta Garazdyuk, Oleg Ya. Vanchuliak, Alexander V. Dubolazov, Yuriy A. Ushenko, Yuriy Ya. Tomka, Mykhaylo Gorsky, Iryna V. Soltys, Zbigniew Omiotek, Nataliia Kondratiuk, Aigul Iskakova. [W]: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High Energy Physics Experiments 2020.- 2020, s. 85-92 [MNiSW: 20]
2. Jones-matrix mapping of polycrystalline networks of layers of main types of amino acids / Volodymyr D. Mishalov, Anastasia-Vira S. Syvokorovskaya, Viktor T. Bachinskiy, Yuliya Yu. Sarkisova, Alexander G. Ushenko, Olexander V. Dubolazov, Vladimir A. Ushenko, Artem V. Motrich, Mashat Kalimoldayev, Waldemar Wójcik, Andrzej Smolarz, Zhazira Amirgaliyeva. [W]: Optical Fibers and their Applications 2020.- 2020, s. 23-28 [MNiSW: 20]
Fragmenty książek z 2019 (4)
1. Jones matrix mapping of polycrystalline networks of layers of main types of amino acids / V. D. Mishalov, Viktor T. Bachinsky, Oleg Ya. Vanchuliak, Alina Y. Zavolovitch, Yuliya V. Sarkisova, Alexander G. Ushenko, Sergii V. Pavlov, Olexander V. Dubolazov, Vladimir A. Ushenko, Artem V. Motrich, Yaroslav M. Drin, Andrzej Kociubiński, Mashat Kalimoldayev. [W]: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2019.- 2019, s. 34-41 [MNiSW: 20]
2. Laser microscopy of polycrystalline human blood plasma films / O.V. Dubolazov, A.G. Ushenko, Y. A. Ushenko, M.Yu. Sakhnovskiy, P. M. Grygoryshyn, N. Pavlyukovich, O.V. Pavlyukovich, S.V. Pavlov, V. D. Mishalov, C. Kaczmarek & A. Kalizhanova. [W]: Information Technology in Medical Diagnostics II : proceedings of the International Scientific Internet Conference “Computer Graphics and Image Processing" and the XLVIIIth International Scientific and Practical Conference “Application of Lasers in Medicine and Biology".- 2019, s. 24-218 [MNiSW: 20]
3. Laser Müller matrix diagnostics of changes in the optical anisotropy of biological tissues / O. V. Dubolazov, A. G. Ushenko, Y. A. Ushenko, M.Yu. Sakhnovskiy, P. M. Grygoryshyn, N. Pavlyukovich, O.V. Pavlyukovich, V.T. Bachynskiy, S.V. Pavlov, V. D. Mishalov, Z. Omiotek & O. Mamyrbaev. [W]: Information Technology in Medical Diagnostics II : proceedings of the International Scientific Internet Conference “Computer Graphics and Image Processing" and the XLVIIIth International Scientific and Practical Conference “Application of Lasers in Medicine and Biology".- 2019, s. 195-204 [MNiSW: 20]
4. The complex degree of coherence of the laser images of blood plasma and the diagnostics of oncological changes of human tissues / O.V.Dubolazov, A.G.Ushenko, Y.A.Ushenko, M.Yu.Sakhnovskiy, P.M.Grygoryshyn, N.Pavlyukovich, O.V.Pavlyukovich, V.T.Bachynskiy, S.V.Pavlov, R.Dzierżak, O.Mamyrbaev. [W]: Information Technology in Medical Diagnostics II : proceedings of the International Scientific Internet Conference “Computer Graphics and Image Processing" and the XLVIIIth International Scientific and Practical Conference “Application of Lasers in Medicine and Biology".- 2019, s. 185-194 [MNiSW: 20]
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