Fragmenty książek z 2022 (2)
1. 3D modelling and evaluation of parietal flow features in the nasal cavity / Oleg G. Avrunin, Tatyana V. Nosova, Natalia O. Shushlyapina, Anna A. Poplavskaya, Valery E. Kryvonosov, Liudmyla A. Savytska, Andrzej Smolarz, Saule Kumargazhanova, Ainur Kozbakova. [W]: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High Energy Physics Experiments 2022.- 2022, s. 1-6 [MNiSW: 20]
2. The possibility of rapid prototyping in the manufacture of 3-D models of cranial implants from CT-DATA / Oleg G. Avrunin, Tatyana V. Nosova, Yevhen Chuhui, Sergii V. Tymchyk, Leonid K. Polishchuk, Oleksandr Avrunin, Volodimir Pyatikop, Damian Harasim, Ainur Kozbakova. [W]: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High Energy Physics Experiments 2022.- 2022, s. 1-4 [MNiSW: 20]
Fragmenty książek z 2021 (2)
1. Electromyographic complex with goniometric tracking of the degree of muscle / Tatyana V. Zhemchuzhkina, Tatyana V. Nosovaa, Denys O. Kostin, Olena Yu. Prisych, Irina K. Palii, Viktor P. Kovalskiy, Konrad Gromaszek, Saltanat Amirgaliyeva, Ainur Kozbakova. [W]: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High Energy Physics Experiments 2021.- 2021, s. 46-53 [MNiSW: 20]
2. Possibilities of estimating the velocity of capillary blood circulation according to optical capillaroscopy / Oleg G. Avrunin, Tatyana V. Nosova, Natalia Shushliapina, Irina K. Palii, Tamila V. Manhora, Zbigniew Omiotek, Gulzhan Kashaganova, Imanbek Baglan. [W]: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High Energy Physics Experiments 2021.- 2021, s. 54-59 [MNiSW: 20]
Fragmenty książek z 2019 (3)
1. Application of EMG-signal phase portraits for differentiation of musculoskeletal system diseases / Tatyana V. Zhemchuzhkina, Sergii M. Zlepko, Tatyana V. Nosova, Valerii V. Semenets, Oleksii V. Kirichek, Marcin Maciejewski, Ainur Ormanbekova. [W]: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2019.- 2019, s. 906-911 [MNiSW: 20]
2. Designing a biomedical electromyographic complex with a pain level control / T. V. Zhemchuzhkina, T. V. Nosova, O.Yu. Pinaieva, W. Wójcik & A. Tergeusizova. [W]: Information Technology in Medical Diagnostics II : proceedings of the International Scientific Internet Conference “Computer Graphics and Image Processing" and the XLVIIIth International Scientific and Practical Conference “Application of Lasers in Medicine and Biology".- 2019, s. 229-236 [MNiSW: 20]
3. Some technical propositions for electromyographical human interface device / T. V. Zhemchuzhkina, T. V. Nosova, V. B. Vassilenko, D. Kh. Shtofel, Y. P. Liskov, M. Duk & G. Duskazaev. [W]: Information Technology in Medical Diagnostics II : proceedings of the International Scientific Internet Conference “Computer Graphics and Image Processing" and the XLVIIIth International Scientific and Practical Conference “Application of Lasers in Medicine and Biology".- 2019, s. 15-22 [MNiSW: 20]
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