University of Alicante
Fragmenty książek z 2016 (1)
1. Challenges in large international projects – findings from eramis and promis projects / Marek Miłosz, Agathe Merceron, Kestutis Kapocius, Sergio Luján-Mora, Jean-Michel Adam. [W]: INTED 2016 : 10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference : conference proceedings.- 2016, s. 103-111 [MNiSW: 15]
Fragmenty książek z 2014 (2)
1. Comparison of existing Computing Curricula and the new ACM-IEEE Computing Curricula 2013 / Marek Miłosz, Sergio Lujan-Mora, Daniel Bardou, Agathe Merceron, Myriam Peñafiel. [W]: EDULEARN 14 : 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona (Spain), 7th-9th July 2014 : conference proceedings [WOS].- 2014, s. 5808-5818 [MNiSW: 10]
2. From e-learning to MOOC – the AUKEE project case study / Magdalena Borys, Sybille Caffiau, Julie Dugdale, Maciej Laskowski, Sergio Lujan-Mora, Brigitte Meillon, Marek Miłosz, Małgorzata Plechawska-Wójcik. [W]: EDULEARN 14 : 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona (Spain), 7th-9th July 2014 : conference proceedings [WOS].- 2014, s. 6701-6708 [MNiSW: 10]
Fragmenty książek z 2013 (2)
1. Assessment of user experience with responsive web applications using expert method and cognitive walkthrough : a case study / Małgorzata Plechawska-Wójcik, Sergio Lujan-Mora, Łukasz Wójcik. [W]: ICEIS : proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. Vol. 3 [WOS].- 2013, s. 111-118 [MNiSW: 10]
2. Training sessions in a master degree “Informatics as a second competence” / Agathe Merceron, Sergio Luján-Mora, Jean-Michel Adam, Daniel Bardou, Jerome David, Marek Miłosz. [W]: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) 2013 [WOS].- 2013, s. 190-199 [MNiSW: 10]
Fragmenty książek z 2009 (1)
1. E-HRM: Human Resources management in the e-economy / Susana de Juana Espinosa, Sergio Lujan-Mora, Marek Miłosz. [W]: Creating the entrepreneurship in contemporary organizations.- 2009, s. 203-220
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