Politechnika Świętokrzyska / Kielce, Polska
Artykuły z 2024 (2)
1. Extended Evaluation of the Impact of Rainfall, Sewer Network and Land Use Retention on Drainage System Performance in a Multi-Criteria Approach – Modeling, Sensitivity Analysis / Bartosz Szeląg, Francesco Fatone, Adam Kiczko, Dariusz Majerek, Anita Białek, Grzegorz Łagód, Adam Piotrowicz, Lidia Dąbek // Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal.- 2024, vol. 18, nr 6, s. 291-303 [MNiSW: 100]
2. Tool for fast assessment of stormwater flood volumes for urban catchment: A machine learning approach / Bartosz Szeląg, Dariusz Majerek, Anna Laura Eusebii, Adam Kiczko, Francesco de Paola, Arthur McGarity, Grzegorz Wałek, Francesco Fatone // Journal of Environmental Management.- 2024, vol. 355 [MNiSW: 200]
Artykuły z 2023 (8)
1. A simplified method for determining potential heavy metal leached from sediments of stormwater and combined sewer systems – importance for public health / Sylwia Duda-Saternus, Justyna Kujawska, Edyta Wojtaś, Aleksandra Kozłowska, Konrad Jamka, Bartosz Szeląg, Roman Babko, Grzegorz Łagód // Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine - AAEM.- 2023, vol. 30, nr 3, s. 455-461 [MNiSW: 140]
2. Application of Machine Learning Methods for an Analysis of E-Nose Multidimensional Signals in Wastewater Treatment / Magdalena Piłat-Rożek, Ewa Łazuka, Dariusz Majerek, Bartosz Szeląg, Sylwia Duda-Saternus and Grzegorz Łagód // Sensors.- 2023, vol. 23, nr 1, s. 1-18 [MNiSW: 100]
3. Influence of the Curing Process on the Fatigue Strength and Residual Strength of a Fiber Composite Estimation Using the Theory of Markov Chains / Rafał Chatys, Mariusz Kłonica // Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal.- 2023, vol. 17, nr 2, s. 53-62 [MNiSW: 100]
4. Innovations in Wastewater Treatment: Harnessing Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulations with Cutting-Edge Technologies and Advanced Control Systems / Jakub Drewnowski, Bartosz Szeląg, Fabrizio Sabba, Magdalena Piłat-Rożek, Adam Piotrowicz, Grzegorz Łagód // Journal of Ecological Engineering.- 2023, vol. 23, nr 12, s. 208-222 [MNiSW: 100]
5. Integrated model for the fast assessment of flood volume: Modelling – management, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis / Bartosz Szeląg, Przemysław Kowal, Adam Kiczko, Anita Białek, Grzegorz Wałek, Dariusz Majerek, Piotr Siwicki, Francesco Fatone, Grzegorz Boczkaj // Journal of Hydrology.- 2023, vol. 625, nr Pt A [MNiSW: 140]
6. Rapid Method of Wastewater Classification by Electronic Nose for Performance Evaluation of Bioreactors with Activated Sludge / Magdalena Piłat-Rożek, Marcin Dziadosz, Dariusz Majerek, Katarzyna Jaromin-Gleń, Bartosz Szeląg, Łukasz Guz, Adam Piotrowicz, Grzegorz Łagód // Sensors.- 2023, vol. 23, nr 20, s. 1-18 [MNiSW: 100]
7. Sequential algorithm of building the regression-classification model for total nitrogen simulation: application of machine learning / Krzysztof Barbusiński, Bartosz Szeląg, Anita Białek, Ewa Łazuka, Emilia Popławska, Joanna Szulżyk-Cieplak, Roman Babko, Grzegorz Łagód // Desalination and Water Treatment.- 2023, vol. 301, s. 106-114 [MNiSW: 100]
8. Strategy towards the use of ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis for industrial water recovery and reuse as part of the Green Deal Implementation / Jakub Drewnowski, Jan Marjanowski, Maciej Sadaj, Bartosz Szeląg, Joanna Szulżyk-Cieplak, Grzegorz Piotr Łagód // Desalination and Water Treatment.- 2023, vol. 305, s. 227-235 [MNiSW: 100]
Artykuły z 2022 (9)
1. Analysis of Sewer Network Performance in the Context of Modernization: Modeling, Sensitivity, and Uncertainty Analysis / Bartosz Szeląg, Dariusz Majerek, Adam Kiczko, Grzegorz Łagód, Francesco Fatone, Arthur McGarity // Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management.- 2022, vol. 148, nr 12 [MNiSW: 140]
2. Development of Rainfall-Runoff Models for Sustainable Stormwater Management in Urbanized Catchments / Bartosz Szeląg, Grzegorz Łagód, Anna Musz-Pomorska, Marcin K. Widomski, David Stránský, Marek Sokáč, Jozefína Pokrývková and Roman Babko // Water.- 2022, vol. 14, nr 13, s. 1-27 [MNiSW: 100]
3. Evaluation of the efficiency of the mixing system of the laboratory SBR-type reactor / M. Staniszewski, J. Zaburko, R. Babko, J. Szulżyk-Cieplak, M. K. Widomski, B. Szeląg, G. Łagód // Journal of Physics : Conference Series.- 2022, vol. 2412, s. 1-17 [MNiSW: 40]
4. Flood occurrence analysis in small urban catchments in the context of regional variability / Bartosz Szeląg, Roman Suligowski, Grzegorz Łagód, Ewa Łazuka, Paweł Wlaź, David Stránský, Francesco De Paola, Francesco Fatone // PLOS ONE.- 2022, vol. 17, nr 11, s. 1-26 [MNiSW: 100]
5. Influence of urban catchment characteristics and rainfall origins on the phenomenon of stormwater flooding: Case study / Bartosz Szeląg, Roman Suligowski, Francesco De Paola, Piotr Siwicki, Dariusz Majerek, Grzegorz Łagód // Environmental Modelling and Software.- 2022, vol. 150, s. 1-23 [MNiSW: 140]
6. Rapid on-line method of wastewater parameters estimation by electronic nose for control and operating wastewater treatment plants toward Green Deal implementation / G. Łagód, J. Drewnowski,, Ł. Guz, A. Piotrowicz, Z. Suchorab , M. Drewnowska , K. Jaromin-Gleń, B. Szeląg // Desalination and Water Treatment.- 2022, nr 275, s. 56-68 [MNiSW: 100]
7. Reconstruction of strains with a non-smooth distribution and temperature using optical fiber Bragg grating / Małgorzata Detka, Cezary Kaczmarek // International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications.- 2022, vol. 68, nr 3, s. 535-540 [MNiSW: 70]
8. Strength Analysis of Lap Joints in Aerospace Structural Materials / Mariusz Kłonica, Rafał Chatys, Ilmārs Blumbergs // Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal.- 2022, vol. 16, nr 6, s. 147-155 [MNiSW: 100]
9. The Applications of Graph Algorithms to Modeling of Integrated Urban Water Management System / Ewa Łazuka, Anna Futa, Magdalena Jastrzębska, Grzegorz Łagód, Bartosz Szeląg, Francesco Fatone // Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal.- 2022, vol. 16, nr 5, s. 277-289 [MNiSW: 100]
Artykuły z 2021 (6)
1. Advanced Graphical–Analytical Method of Pipe Tank Design Integrated with Sensitivity Analysis for Sustainable Stormwater Management in Urbanized Catchments / Bartosz Szeląg, Adam Kiczko, Anna Musz-Pomorska, Marcin K. Widomski, Jacek Zaburko, Grzegorz Łagód, David Stránský, Marek Sokáč // Water.- 2021, vol. 13, nr 8, s. 1-19 [MNiSW: 100]
2. Advanced sensitivity analysis of the impact of the temporal distribution and intensity of rainfall on hydrograph parameters in urban catchments / Francesco Fatone, Bartosz Szeląg, Adam Kiczko, Dariusz Majerek, Monika Majewska, Jakub Drewnowski, Grzegorz Łagód // Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.- 2021, vol. 25, nr 10, s. 5493-5516 [MNiSW: 140]
3. Assessment of wastewater quality indicators for wastewater treatment influent using an advanced logistic regression model / Bartosz Szeląg, Mohamad-Javad Mehrani, Jakub Drewnowski, Monika Majewska, Grzegorz Łagód, Sheena Kumarid, Faizal Bux // Desalination and Water Treatment.- 2021, vol. 232, s. 421-432 [MNiSW: 100]
4. Relationship Between Rainfall Duration and Sewer System Performance Measures Within the Context of Uncertainty / Bartosz Szeląg, Adam Kiczko, Grzegorz Łagód, Francesco De Paola // Water Resources Management.- 2021, vol. 35, nr 15, s. 5073-5087 [MNiSW: 100]
5. Relationship between Visibility, Air Pollution Index and Annual Mortality Rate in Association with the Occurrence of Rainfall—A Probabilistic Approach / Grzegorz Majewski, Bartosz Szeląg, Anita Białek, Michał Stachura, Barbara Wodecka, Ewa Anioł, Tomasz Wdowiak, Andrzej Brandyk, Wioletta Rogula-Kozłowska and Grzegorz Łagód // Energies.- 2021, vol. 14, nr 24, s. 1-39 [MNiSW: 140]
6. Use of multidimensional testing to evaluate the impacts of treated wastewater discharge on river water quality - Hotelling test case / D. Majerek, G. Łagód, B. Szeląg and F. Sabba // Journal of Physics : Conference Series.- 2021, vol. 1736, s. 1-8 [MNiSW: 40]
Artykuły z 2020 (4)
1. Modeling and Optimization of Pollutants Removal during Simultaneous Adsorption onto Activated Carbon with Advanced Oxidation in Aqueous Environment / Lidia Dąbek, Anna Picheta-Oleś, Bartosz Szeląg, Joanna Szulżyk-Cieplak and Grzegorz Łagód // Materials.- 2020, vol. 13, nr 19, s. 1-21 [MNiSW: 140]
2. Mutual Interaction between Temperature and DO Set Point on AOB and NOB Activity during Shortcut Nitrification in a Sequencing Batch Reactor in Terms of Energy Consumption Optimization / Mehdi Sharif Shourjeh, Przemysław Kowal, Jakub Drewnowski, Bartosz Szeląg, Aleksandra Szaja and Grzegorz Łagód // Energies.- 2020, vol. 13, nr 21, s. 1-21 [MNiSW: 140]
3. Soft sensor application in identification of the activated sludge bulking considering the technological and economical aspects of smart systems functioning / Bartosz Szeląg, Jakub Drewnowski, Grzegorz Łagód, Dariusz Majerek, Ewa Dacewicz and Francesco Fatone // Sensors.- 2020, vol. 20, nr 7, s. 1-25 [MNiSW: 100]
4. The Influence of COD fraction forms and molecules size on hydrolysis process developed by comparative OUR studies in activated sludge modelling / Jakub Drewnowski, Bartosz Szeląg, Li Xie, Xi Lu, Mahesh Ganesapillai, Chinmoy Kanti Deb, Joanna Szulżyk-Cieplak, Grzegorz Łagód // Molecules.- 2020, vol. 25, nr 4, s. 1-16 [MNiSW: 140]
Artykuły z 2018 (1)
1. Selection of parameters for laser surface texturing of titanium alloys / Monika Krzywicka, Szymon Tofil, Krzysztof Pałka // Technical Transactions = Czasopismo Techniczne.- 2018, vol. 12, s. 167-172 [MNiSW: 13]
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